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This library provides Clojure bindings for gearman distributed job system.

You can find the protocol specification here.

This implementation uses regular blocking sockets. Take a look at clearman if you need async IO.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

Clojars Project


Worker side:

(ns my-worker
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clj-gearman.worker :as w]))

(def worker

   ; List of job servers you have running.
  {:job-servers [{:host "localhost" :port 4730}]

   ; Number of threads to run per job server in a worker pool.
   ; This will be multiplied by the number of job servers.
   ; For example, if you connect to three servers and :nthreads if five,
   ; you will get 15 worker threads in total.
   ; Defaults to one.
   :nthreads 4

   ; String encoding for input and output.
   ; You probably want to keep these utf-8.
   :in-enc  "UTF-8"
   :out-enc "UTF-8"

   ; Map of your worker capability functions.
   ; Notice that keys should be strings.
   :can-do {
            ; First is the ever popular string reversal.
            ; Workload parameter is always a string and your return value must
            ; also be a single string.
            "reverse" (fn [workload] (str/reverse workload))

            ; If you like a more hands-on approach you can operate on the worker socket directly.
            ; In this case you are responsible for all communication with the job server.
            "long-running" (fn [socket job-handle workload]
                                 (your-slow-operation-one workload)
                                 (w/work-status socket job-handle 1 3)
                                 (your-slow-operation-two workload)
                                 (w/work-status socket job-handle 2 3)
                                 (your-slow-operation-three workload)
                                 (w/work-status socket job-handle 3 3)
                               (catch Throwable ex
                                 (w/work-exception socket job-handle ex))))}})

; Start a worker pool.
(def pool-fn (w/pool worker))

; When you are done, stop workers by calling the function returned previously.
; Note that this might take some time, especially if there is a long running task in progress.

; Alternatively, if you just need to run a single worker on a single server
; you can use this lower-level method directly. Or you can use this to create your own
; worker pool implementation.
; Connect to job server and start accepting tasks.
(with-open [socket (w/connect worker)]
  (while true (w/work socket)))

Client side:

(ns my-client
  (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
            [clj-gearman.client :as c]))

(def client

   ; List of job servers you have running.
   ; Client connects to first server available.
  {:job-servers [{:host "localhost" :port 4730}]

   ; String encoding for input and output.
   ; You probably want to keep these utf-8.
   :in-enc  "UTF-8"
   :out-enc "UTF-8"

   ; If true, exceptions thrown in worker will be propagated through
   ; the job server to this client.
   :worker-exceptions false})

; Connect to job server and submit the work requests.
(with-open [socket (c/connect client)]
  (let [[code result :as response] (c/submit-job socket "reverse" "foo bar baz")]
    (if (= code "WORK_COMPLETE")
      (println result)
      (throw (Exception. (pr-str response)))))

  ; Fire-and-forget background job.
  ; Use this if you don't need the final return value from the worker.
  (let [[code job-handle :as response] (c/submit-job-bg socket "long-running" "Our workload string")]
    (if (not= code "JOB_CREATED")
      ; Oops, that's an error.
      (throw (Exception. (pr-str response)))
      ; Otherwise, we are done. Job is sent to job server and hopefully some worker will pick it up.
      ; Worker will not send us the result but we can optionally poll for status of the task.
        (dotimes [_ 10]
          (Thread/sleep 1000)
          (pprint (c/get-status socket job-handle)))))))

API documentation

Read the full api docs here.


Feel free to send bug reports and pull requests on this repository.


Copyright 2016 Antti Koskinen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Gearman clients and workers in Clojure.







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