Week 6-7 deliverables
Week 6-7 deliverables
- 1. Install PostgreSQL. [Advanced challenge: do this work "in the cloud"]
Opened up an account on postgres.heroku.com
- 2. Create a PostgreSQL database.
Host ec2-23-21-133-106.compute-1.amazonaws.com Database d3svclmbdh4e5
- 3. Create three tables in the database. If you are less comfortable with this piece, start by putting all of the information into a single table. [Deliverable: single data definition .SQL script that creates tables]. The information should be related so that there is a many to many relationship. [Simple example: customers table, products table, orders table - one customer can order more than one product; one product can be ordered by more than one customer; the orders table models this relationship]. [Challenge assignment: add more tables...]
see file: create_tables.sql I'm in charge of a running club at my daughter's school, so the tables are populated with data from that. I would love to extend this into a web app.
- 4. Populate the three tables with at least 5 rows in each table. [Deliverable: single .SQL script that populates tables with information]. [Challenge assignment: load a set of data from another data source into your SQL Tables].
see file: populate_tables.sql I read in data from csv files I created from the excel data I have.
- 5. Write a SQL Select statement that joins information from the tables. You should create your data in such a way that at least one row is pulled from each of the three tables. The result set should include at least one column with a date datatype, two columns with numeric data types, and two rows with categorical data types. The result set should return at least 5 rows total. [Deliverable: single .SQL script that contains SELECT statement]
see file: select_query.sql This contains three versions of my select query. See notes in this file for details.
- 6. Pull the information from the three tables into an R dataframe. You can create an intermediate file (.CSV for example) if you want to. [Deliverable: single script with R code]
see file: R_code.r This only contains one line since I'm just reading in data from the select query saved as a csv file.
- 7. [Challenge assignment, non-graded] For students who want, create an account on github (as needed), and post your solution in a repository there. [Deliverable: address of github repo].
Here it is. =-)
- 8. [Challenge assignment, non-graded] Provide support for other students’ questions on forum.
- [Challenge assignment, non-graded] Discuss on Forum: Why PostgreSQL? What are the pros and cons of working in this environment, versus other relational databases.