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Daniel Arndt edited this page May 1, 2020 · 4 revisions


Header File: Kokkos_Core.hpp


old_value =  atomic_[op]_fetch(ptr_to_value,update_value);

Atomically updates the variable at the address given by ptr_to_value with update_value according to the relevant operation, and returns the updated value found at that address..


  template<class T>
  T atomic_add_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_and_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_div_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_lshift_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const unsigned shift);

  template <class T>
  T atomic_max_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T val);

  template <class T>
  T atomic_min_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T val);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_mod_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_mul_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_or_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);
  template<class T>
  T atomic_rshift_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const unsigned shift);

  template<class T>
  T atomic_sub_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);
  template<class T>
  T atomic_xor_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);


  • template<class T>
    T atomic_add_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value += value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value to be added.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_and_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value &= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value with which to combine the original value.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_div_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value /= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value by which to divide the original value..
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_lshift_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const unsigned shift);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value << shift; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • shift: value by which to shift the original variable.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_max_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value = max(*ptr_to_value, value); return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value which to take the maximum with.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_min_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value = min(*ptr_to_value, value); return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value which to take the minimum with.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_mul_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value *= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value by which to multiply the original value.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_mod_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value %= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value with which to combine the original value.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_or_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value |= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value with which to combine the original value.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_rshift_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const unsigned shift);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value >> shift; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • shift: value by which to shift the original variable.
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_sub_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value -= value.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value to be substracted..
  • template<class T>
    T atomic_xor_fetch(T* const ptr_to_value, const T value);

    Atomically executes *ptr_to_value ^= value; return *ptr_to_value;.

    • ptr_to_value: address of the to be updated value.
    • value: value with which to combine the original value.
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