See Happy Cube website and Wikipedia for more details about Happy Cube.
Project should be built and run using Java 1.8.
There are four Happy cubes: blue, red, violet and yellow that are encoded using ' ' and 'o' ASCII characters and stored in the text files inside the project's resources directory. All the four files will be copied into the project's (or JAR's) current working directory. Files with solutions for all the cubes will be stored in the current working directory also.
From IDE execute com.bipinet.cubes.cube.HappyCube.main() .
Alternatively build with Maven clean install
and execute in the terminal
java -jar cubes-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Happy Cube pieces in input files.
ooooo ooooo ooooo
o o o o o o
o 0 o o 1 o o 2 o
o o o o o o
ooooo ooooo ooooo
ooooo ooooo ooooo
o o o o o o
o 2 o o 4 o o 5 o
o o o o o o
ooooo ooooo ooooo
Solved Happy Cube in unfolded representation.
ooooo ooooo ooooo
o o o o o o
o 0 o o 1 o o 5 o
o o o o o o
ooooo ooooo ooooo
o o
o 2 o
o o
o o
o 3 o
o o
o o
o 4 o
o o