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CloudInit for Windows

WinCloudInit provides a framework for early guest (Windows) initialization similar to CloudInit. In VMware and Hyper-V environments it replaces guest customization with more flexible and extendable mechanism. Compared to CloudbaseInit it's written purely on PowerShell.

List of bundled plugins:

  • 01-reboot.ps1
  • 02-sysprep.ps1
  • 04-network.ps1
  • 08-hostname.ps1
  • 10-posh.ps1
  • 11-cert.ps1
  • 12-winrm.ps1
  • 16-rdp.ps1
  • 20-firewall.ps1
  • 24-activation.ps1
  • 28-disk.ps1
  • 32-user.ps1

Currently the only supported config source is cloud-config.json file stored on floppy/cdrom or C:\cloud-config folder:

  "HostName": "WINCLOUDINIT",
  "HDD": [
      "Capacity": 50,
      "DeviceNode": "scsi0:0",
      "Uuid": "6000c2913a13b84ecf0ba5000ddc71d2"
      "Capacity": 100,
      "Label": "Data",
      "MountPoint": "C:\data",
      "ClusterSizeKB": 64,
      "DeviceNode": "scsi1:0",
      "Uuid": "6000c29d238336928f301e14245e80b4"
  "NIC": [
      "Ip": [
      "Gw": "",
      "Name": "PrivateConnection",
      "Mac": "00:50:56:96:1d:27"
      "Ip": [
      "Name": "PrivateConnection2",
      "Mac": "00:50:56:96:1d:28"
  "DNS": {
    "DomainSearch": [
    "Servers": [
  "Sysprep": {
    "Org": "Company",
    "Owner": "SysAdmin",
    "TimeZone": "PST"
  "ProductKey": "D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX",
  "WinRM": {
    "Https": true,
    "Certificate": "812FF641630C82CFC1114597409DB086FA43E480",
    "UserMapping": {
        "automation": "5CBF402EA2AA8481FB7677705471E84C32A9833B"
  "ExecutionPolicy": "Restricted",
  "RDP": false,
  "Firewall": {
    "Disabled": false
  "Certificates": [
      "File": "wincloudinit-winrm.pfx",
      "Store": [ "LocalMachine\\My" ],
      "Password": [
      "File": "GeoTrust Global CA.cer",
      "Store": [ "LocalMachine\\CA" ]
      "Url": "",
      "Store": [ "LocalMachine\\Root", "LocalMachine\\TrustedPeople" ]
  "Groups": [ "PowerUsers" ],
  "Users": [
      "Name": "admin",
      "OldName": "Administrator",
      "Password": [
      "Name": "automation",
      "Password": [
      "Groups": [ "PowerUsers", "Administrators" ]

DeviceNode HDD field is required on Hyper-V platform
Uuid HDD field is required on VMware platform

To install the module:

  • download from GitHub and place into 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' (requires system-wide location)
  • OR grab it from PowerShell Gallery with Install-Module WinCloudInit -Scope AllUsers

To enable WinCloudInit upon system reboot run Set-WinCloudInit -Enabled, you will be prompted for Administrator credentials (after sysprep module will switch to SYSTEM account).

Put unencrypted private RSA key (private.pem) to module openssl subfolder so that WinCloudInit can decrypt user/certificate passwords, supplied via cloud-config.json

Log is stored in C:\Windows\Temp\WinCloudInit-#date#.log

The module targets PowerShell v4 installations and has been tested on:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

For developers

To develop a new plugin write a PowerShell script that starts with:


Inject the necessary configuration data in cloud-config.json so it is exposed to your source through $Config variable. Prepend the name with double-digit number according to the order when the plugin is intended to be run and put it into the plugins folder.
If your plugin is going to reboot the system, prior to restart send 'reboot' string to stdout so the module can suspend execution of the next plugin and resume after system has been restarted. To handle reboots the module keeps a state file in the module directory where it stores a current execution step. To reset the state run Set-WinCloudInit -ResetState

openssl rsautl

generate rsa key pair

openssl genrsa -out keypair.pem -aes128 4096

export public key

openssl rsa -in keypair.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

export unencrypted private key (to be stored in a template)

openssl rsa -in keypair.pem -out private.pem -outform PEM

encrypt data


New-Password | cmd '/c openssl rsautl -inkey public.pem -pubin -encrypt | openssl enc -base64'


echo 'password' | openssl rsautl -inkey public.pem -pubin -encrypt | openssl enc -base64 > encrypted

decrypt data


cat encrypted | cmd '/c openssl enc -d -base64 | openssl rsautl -inkey private.pem -decrypt'


cat encrypted | openssl enc -d -base64 | openssl rsautl -inkey private.pem -decrypt


CloudInit for Windows






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