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Principles of Data Science with Python

Principles of Data Science with Python: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization


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In this book, readers learn about:

  • Programming with the Python language
  • Data science, analysis, and visualization with the Python language
  • Data structure in Python
  • NumPy library and NumPy arrays
  • Statistical functions
  • Pandas library and Pandas DataFrames
  • Time-series in Python
  • Matplotlib library and data visualization
  • SciPy library
  • Interpolation, curve fitting, root finding, and numerical integration
  • Signal processing and digital filtering
  • Reading and writing data files


Chapter 1 Set Up Python 1
1.1 Introduction to Python Language 2
1.2 Install Python Directly 2
1.3 Install Python Using Python Distribution 3
1.4 Python IDE 4
1.5 IPython and Jupyter Notebook 5
1.6 Python Libraries and Packages 5
1.7 Run Python Script 6
Chapter 2 Introduction to Python Programming 11
2.1 Python Syntax Style 12
2.2 Python Built-in Functions, Standard Libraries, and Third-Party Libraries 13
2.3 Import Library 14
2.4 Mathematical Operators 16
2.5 Comparison Operators 18
2.6 Boolean Operators 19
2.7 Bitwise Operators 19
2.8 Integer and Floating Point 20
2.9 Complex Numbers 22
2.10 Strings 23
2.11 The range() Function 32
2.12 The if Statement 34
2.13 The for Statement 40
2.14 The while Statement 44
2.15 Define Function 46
2.16 The args and kwargs 53
2.17 Define Anonymous Function by Lambda Expression 55
2.18 Underscore ( _ ) 57
2.19 Work with File and Directory 59
Chapter 3 Introduction to Python List, Tuple, and Dictionary 61
3.1 Python Data Structures 62
3.2 List 63
3.3 Nested List 64
3.4 Tuple 65
3.5 Nested Tuple 66
3.6 Dictionary 67
3.7 List Indexing 69
3.8 List Slicing 73
3.9 Change Item Contents in List 75
Chapter 4 Working with Python List 77
4.1 Copy List 78
4.2 Append, Insert, and Delete List Items 79
4.3 Concatenate Lists 82
4.4 The len() Function 83
4.5 Sort List 84
4.6 The zip() Function 86
4.7 The enumerate() Function 88
4.8 List Comprehension 89
4.9 Generator Expression 92
4.10 The map() Function 94
4.11 List Initialization 97
4.12 Element-Wise Operation with for Statement 99
4.13 Element-Wise Operation with List Comprehension 101
4.14 Element-Wise Operation with map() Function 102
Chapter 5 Introduction to NumPy Library 105
5.1 NumPy Library 106
5.2 Install NumPy Library 106
5.3 Import NumPy Library 107
5.4 Vector, Matrix, Array, and Tensor 108
5.5 Create NumPy Array 109
5.6 Array Data Type 111
5.7 Array Attributes and Methods 113
5.8 Array Dimension 116
5.9 Array Indexing 119
5.10 Array Slicing 121
5.11 Indexing by Index List and Index Array 126
5.12 Boolean Indexing (Mask) 128
5.13 Change Element Contents in Array 131
5.14 NumPy Structured Array 132
Chapter 6 Working with NumPy Array 137
6.1 Import NumPy Library 138
6.2 NumPy Functions, Array Attributes, and Array Methods 138
6.3 Copy Array 140
6.4 Append, Insert, and Delete Array Elements 142
6.5 Obtain Array Shape and Size 145
6.6 Reshape Array 149
6.7 Flip Array 151
6.8 Add New Dimension to Array 153
6.9 Concatenate and Stack Arrays 156
6.10 Array Initialization 161
6.11 Element-Wise Operation and Comparison 163
6.12 Find Indexes 165
6.13 NaN and Inf 169
6.14 Generate Sequence of Numbers 170
Chapter 7 Basic Statistics with NumPy Library 175
7.1 Import NumPy Library 176
7.2 NumPy Array Axis 176
7.3 Statistical Functions 177
7.4 Sum and Mean of Array 178
7.5 Minimum and Maximum of Array 180
7.6 Sort Array 183
7.7 Random Number 187
7.8 Generate Reproducible Random Number 190
7.9 Random Number (Legacy Random Generator) 191
7.10 Generate Reproducible Random Number (Legacy Random Generator) 193
7.11 Histogram and Probability Density Function of Dataset 195
Chapter 8 Introduction to Pandas Library 199
8.1 Pandas Library 200
8.2 Install Pandas Library 200
8.3 Import Pandas Library 201
8.4 Create Pandas Series 202
8.5 Create Pandas DataFrame 204
8.6 Series and DataFrame Attributes and Methods 207
8.7 Series and DataFrame Indexing and Slicing 210
8.8 Multi Level Indexing 215
8.9 Change Item Contents in Series and DataFrame 219
Chapter 9 Working with Pandas Series and DataFrame 223
9.1 Import Pandas Library 224
9.2 Pandas Functions, Attributes, and Methods 224
9.3 Copy Series and DataFrame 226
9.4 Append, Insert, and Delete Single Row or Single Column 227
9.5 Append, Insert, and Delete Multiple Rows or Multiple Columns 231
9.6 Concatenate Series and DataFrames 235
9.7 Merge and Join Series and DataFrames 238
9.8 Reindex Data 245
9.9 Shift Data 246
9.10 Arithmetic and Element-Wise Operation 248
9.11 Apply Function 250
9.12 Group Data 253
9.13 Clean and Fill Missing Data 260
9.14 Rolling Window 265
Chapter 10 Date, Time, and Time-Series 273
10.1 Import Libraries 274
10.2 Date and Time in Python 274
10.3 Date and Time in NumPy 279
10.4 Date and Time in Pandas 282
10.5 Generate Time-Series with Python and NumPy 284
10.6 Generate Date and Time Indexes in Pandas 288
10.7 Generate Time-Series with Pandas 290
10.8 Indexing and Slicing Pandas Time-Series 293
10.9 Shift Data in Pandas Time-Series 296
10.10 Clean and Fill Missing Data in Pandas Time-Series 299
10.11 Resampling Pandas Time-Series 303
Chapter 11 Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib Library 313
11.1 Matplotlib Library 314
11.2 Install Matplotlib Library 314
11.3 Import Matplotlib Library 315
11.4 The Pyplot Module 316
11.5 Line Plot 318
11.6 Set Color 321
11.7 Set Line Style and Line Width 324
11.8 Add Marker 327
11.9 Add Labels 329
11.10 Set Axis Limits, Ticks, and Scale 331
11.11 Add Grid Lines 334
11.12 Add Text and Annotation 336
11.13 Add Mathematical Text 339
11.14 Plot Multiple Lines and Add Legend 342
11.15 Create Multiple Figures 346
11.16 Customize Matplotlib Style 347
11.17 Seaborn Library 351
Chapter 12 Advanced Data Visualization with Matplotlib Library 355
12.1 Import Matplotlib Library 356
12.2 Colormaps 356
12.3 Extract Colors from Colormap 359
12.4 Create Colormap 361
12.5 Scatter Plot 363
12.6 Contour and Image Plot 367
12.7 Bar Plot 370
12.8 Histogram Plot 372
12.9 Axes 375
12.10 Create Subplots 379
12.11 Create Unequal Subplots 383
12.12 Procedural and Object-Oriented Interfaces 386
12.13 Time-Series Plot 390
12.14 The 3-Dimensional Plot 393
12.15 Map Plot 396
12.16 Data Visualization with Pandas 401
Chapter 13 Interpolation, Curve Fitting, Root Finding, and Numerical Integration with SciPy Library 405
13.1 SciPy Library 406
13.2 Install SciPy Library 406
13.3 Import SciPy Library 407
13.4 Generate 1-Dimensional Grid Coordinates 408
13.5 Generate 2-Dimensional Grid Coordinates 409
13.6 The 1-Dimensional Interpolation 412
13.7 The 2-Dimensional Interpolation 415
13.8 Curve Fitting 420
13.9 Curve Fitting by Optimization 423
13.10 Root Finding 426
13.11 Solve System of Linear Equations 429
13.12 Numerical Integration 431
Chapter 14 Introduction to Signal Processing 433
14.1 Import SciPy Library 434
14.2 Wave Function 434
14.3 Sampling Frequency 436
14.4 Control Data Quality 439
14.5 Detrend Data 443
14.6 Time and Frequency Domains 445
14.7 Fourier Analysis 447
14.8 Fast Fourier Transform 448
14.9 Frequency Ordering of Fast Fourier Transform 449
14.10 Double-Sided FFT and Single-Sided FFT 452
14.11 Wave Amplitudes from FFT 456
14.12 Estimate Power Spectral Density from FFT 459
14.13 Estimate Power Spectral Density from Periodogram and Welch Method 463
Chapter 15 Basics of Window Function and Digital Filter 469
15.1 Import SciPy Library 470
15.2 Convolution 470
15.3 Window Function 471
15.4 Digital Filter 475
15.5 Digital Filter Band-Forms 478
15.6 Basic Low-Pass FIR Filter 479
15.7 Basic High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Stop FIR Filters 483
15.8 Design Basic FIR Filters with SciPy Library 485
15.9 Smooth Data by Moving Average 488
15.10 Smooth Data by Savitzky-Golay Filter 493
15.11 Smooth Data by Butterworth Filter 496
15.12 Filter Out Frequency Range from Data 499
Chapter 16 Read and Write Data Files 507
16.1 Import Libraries 508
16.2 Read Text and ASCII Files with Python 508
16.3 Read CSV Files with Python 512
16.4 Read Text, ASCII, and CSV Files with NumPy 514
16.5 Read Text, ASCII, and CSV Files with Pandas 515
16.6 Save and Load Data Files 517

References 521

Index 523


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License

Principles of Data Science with Python: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization

Copyright (c) 2022 Arash Karimpour

All rights reserved

Principles of Data Science with Python: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization © 2020 by Arash Karimpour is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (


Introduction to Scientific Computing, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization







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