Use the verifications included in this section for the following purposes:
- Provider Earnings History
- AKT Total Earned by Provider
- AKT Total Earning Potential Per Active Deployment
- Current Leases: Withdrawn vs Consumed
Use the commands detailed in this section to gather the daily earnings history of your provider
- Only the following variables need update in the template for your use:
- AKASH_NODE - populate value with the address of your RPC node
- PROVIDER - populate value with your provider address
export AKASH_NODE=<your-RPC-node-address>
PROVIDER=<your-provider-address>; STEP=23.59; BLOCK_TIME=6; HEIGHT=$(provider-services query block | jq -r '.block.header.height'); for i in $(seq 0 23); do BLOCK=$(echo "scale=0; ($HEIGHT-((60/$BLOCK_TIME)*60*($i*$STEP)))/1" | bc); HT=$(provider-services query block $BLOCK | jq -r '.block.header.time'); AL=$(provider-services query market lease list --height $BLOCK --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 200 --state active -o json | jq -r '.leases | length'); DCOST=$(provider-services query market lease list --height $BLOCK --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 200 -o json --state active | jq --argjson bt $BLOCK_TIME -c -r '(([.leases[].lease.price.amount // 0|tonumber] | add)*(60/$bt)*60*24)/pow(10;6)'); BALANCE=$(provider-services query bank balances --height $BLOCK $PROVIDER -o json | jq -r '.balances[] | select(.denom == "uakt") | .amount // 0|tonumber/pow(10;6)'); IN_ESCROW=$(echo "($AL * 5)" | bc); TOTAL=$( echo "($BALANCE+$IN_ESCROW)" | bc); printf "%8d\t%.32s\t%4d\t%12.4f\t%12.6f\t%4d\t%12.4f\n" $BLOCK $HT $AL $DCOST $BALANCE $IN_ESCROW $TOTAL; done
PROVIDER=akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc; STEP=23.59; BLOCK_TIME=6; HEIGHT=$(provider-services query block | jq -r '.block.header.height'); for i in $(seq 0 23); do BLOCK=$(echo "scale=0; ($HEIGHT-((60/$BLOCK_TIME)*60*($i*$STEP)))/1" | bc); HT=$(provider-services query block $BLOCK | jq -r '.block.header.time'); AL=$(provider-services query market lease list --height $BLOCK --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 200 --state active -o json | jq -r '.leases | length'); DCOST=$(provider-services query market lease list --height $BLOCK --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 200 -o json --state active | jq --argjson bt $BLOCK_TIME -c -r '(([.leases[].lease.price.amount // 0|tonumber] | add)*(60/$bt)*60*24)/pow(10;6)'); BALANCE=$(provider-services query bank balances --height $BLOCK $PROVIDER -o json | jq -r '.balances[] | select(.denom == "uakt") | .amount // 0|tonumber/pow(10;6)'); IN_ESCROW=$(echo "($AL * 5)" | bc); TOTAL=$( echo "($BALANCE+$IN_ESCROW)" | bc); printf "%8d\t%.32s\t%4d\t%12.4f\t%12.6f\t%4d\t%12.4f\n" $BLOCK $HT $AL $DCOST $BALANCE $IN_ESCROW $TOTAL; done
- Column Headers
block height, timestamp, active leases, daily earning, balance, AKT in escrow, total balance (AKT in escrow + balance)
- Output generated from
Example Command Use
6514611 2022-06-28T15:32:53.445887205Z 52 142.8624 1523.253897 260 1783.2539
6500457 2022-06-27T15:56:52.370736803Z 61 190.8000 1146.975982 305 1451.9760
6486303 2022-06-26T15:25:08.727479091Z 38 116.9280 1247.128473 190 1437.1285
6472149 2022-06-25T15:18:50.058601546Z 39 119.3184 1211.060233 195 1406.0602
6457995 2022-06-24T15:17:19.284205728Z 56 186.8688 1035.764462 280 1315.7645
6443841 2022-06-23T14:51:42.110369321Z 50 182.6352 1005.680589 250 1255.6806
6429687 2022-06-22T14:58:52.656092131Z 36 120.3984 962.763599 180 1142.7636
6415533 2022-06-21T15:04:57.22739534Z 29 226.7568 837.161130 145 982.1611
6401379 2022-06-20T15:08:17.114891411Z 8 57.5136 760.912627 40 800.9126
6387225 2022-06-19T15:12:16.883456449Z 6 53.9856 697.260245 30 727.2602
6373071 2022-06-18T15:16:16.007190056Z 6 257.1696 635.254956 30 665.2550
6358917 2022-06-17T15:20:52.671364197Z 5 33.2208 560.532818 25 585.5328
Use the commands detailed in this section to gather the total earnings of your provider
Issue the commands in this section from any machine that has the Akash CLI installed.
- Note - ensure queries are not limited only to leases created by your account by issuing
prior to theakash query market
command execution
provider-services query market lease list --provider <PROVIDER-ADDRESS> --page 1 --limit 1000 -o json | jq -r '([.leases[].escrow_payment.withdrawn.amount|tonumber] | add) / pow(10;6)'
provider-services query market lease list --provider akash1yvu4hhnvs84v4sv53mzu5ntf7fxf4cfup9s22j --page 1 --limit 1000 -o json | jq -r '([.leases[].escrow_payment.withdrawn.amount|tonumber] | add) / pow(10;6)'
In the equations used in the calculation of earning potential, several figures are used that are indeed not static.
For accurate earning potential based on today's actual financial/other realities, consider if the following numbers should be updated prior to command execution.
- 1.79 price of 1 AKT in USD
- 6.088 block time (current available via:
- 30.436875 used as the average number of days in a month\
Issue the commands in this section from any machine that has the Akash CLI installed.
Note - ensure queries are not limited only to leases created by your account by issuing unset AKASH_FROM
prior to the akash query market
command execution
provider-services query market lease list --provider <PROVIDER-ADDRESS> --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 100 --state active -o json | jq -r '["owner","dseq","gseq","oseq","rate","monthly","USD"], (.leases[] | [(.lease.lease_id | .owner, .dseq, .gseq, .oseq), (.escrow_payment | .rate.amount, (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.rate.amount|tonumber))]) | @csv' | awk -F ',' '{if (NR==1) {$1=$1; printf $0"\n"} else {$6=(($6*((60/6.088)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6); $7=(($7*((60/6.088)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6)*1.79; print $0}}' | column -t
provider-services query market lease list --provider akash1yvu4hhnvs84v4sv53mzu5ntf7fxf4cfup9s22j --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 100 --state active -o json | jq -r '["owner","dseq","gseq","oseq","rate","monthly","USD"], (.leases[] | [(.lease.lease_id | .owner, .dseq, .gseq, .oseq), (.escrow_payment | .rate.amount, (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.rate.amount|tonumber))]) | @csv' | awk -F ',' '{if (NR==1) {$1=$1; printf $0"\n"} else {$6=(($6*((60/6.088)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6); $7=(($7*((60/6.088)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6)*1.79; print $0}}' | column -t
"owner" "dseq" "gseq" "oseq" "rate" "monthly" "USD"
"akash1n44zc8l6gfm0hpydldndpg8n05xjjwmuahc6nn" "5850047" 1 1 "4.901120000000000000" 1.92197 3.44032
"akash1n44zc8l6gfm0hpydldndpg8n05xjjwmuahc6nn" "5850470" 1 1 "2.901120000000000000" 1.13767 2.03643
Use the commands detailed in this section to compare the amount of AKT consumed versus the amount of AKT withdrawn per deployment. This review will ensure that withdraw of consumed funds is occurring as expected.
Only the following variables need update in the template for your use:
- AKASH_NODE - populate value with the address of your RPC node
- PROVIDER - populate value with your provider address
export AKASH_NODE=<your-RPC-node-address>
PROVIDER=<your-provider-address>; HEIGHT=$(provider-services query block | jq -r '.block.header.height'); provider-services query market lease list --height $HEIGHT --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 10000 --state active -o json | jq --argjson h $HEIGHT -r '["owner","dseq/gseq/oseq","rate","monthly","withdrawn","consumed","days"], (.leases[] | [(.lease.lease_id | .owner, (.dseq|tostring) + "/" + (.gseq|tostring) + "/" + (.oseq|tostring)), (.escrow_payment | (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.withdrawn.amount|tonumber)), (($h-(.lease.created_at|tonumber))*(.escrow_payment.rate.amount|tonumber)/pow(10;6)), (($h-(.lease.created_at|tonumber))/((60/6)*60*24))]) | @csv' | awk -F ',' '{if (NR==1) {$1=$1; printf $0"\n"} else {block_time=6; rate_akt=(($4*((60/block_time)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6); $4=rate_akt; withdrawn_akt=($5/10^6); $5=withdrawn_akt; $6; $7; print $0}}' | column -t
PROVIDER=akash18ga02jzaq8cw52anyhzkwta5wygufgu6zsz6xc; HEIGHT=$(provider-services query block | jq -r '.block.header.height'); provider-services query market lease list --height $HEIGHT --provider $PROVIDER --gseq 0 --oseq 0 --page 1 --limit 10000 --state active -o json | jq --argjson h $HEIGHT -r '["owner","dseq/gseq/oseq","rate","monthly","withdrawn","consumed","days"], (.leases[] | [(.lease.lease_id | .owner, (.dseq|tostring) + "/" + (.gseq|tostring) + "/" + (.oseq|tostring)), (.escrow_payment | (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.rate.amount|tonumber), (.withdrawn.amount|tonumber)), (($h-(.lease.created_at|tonumber))*(.escrow_payment.rate.amount|tonumber)/pow(10;6)), (($h-(.lease.created_at|tonumber))/((60/6)*60*24))]) | @csv' | awk -F ',' '{if (NR==1) {$1=$1; printf $0"\n"} else {block_time=6; rate_akt=(($4*((60/block_time)*60*24*30.436875))/10^6); $4=rate_akt; withdrawn_akt=($5/10^6); $5=withdrawn_akt; $6; $7; print $0}}' | column -t
"owner" "dseq/gseq/oseq" "rate" "monthly" "withdrawn" "consumed" "days"
"akash1zrce7fke2pxmnrwlwdjxcgyfcz43vljw5tekr2" "6412884/1/1" 23 10.0807 2.33866 2.358627 7.121458333333333
"akash1ynq8anzujggr7w38dltlx3u77le3z3ru3x9vez" "6443412/1/1" 354 155.155 25.1846 25.49154 5.000694444444444
"akash1y48wwg95plz4ht5sakdqg5st8pmeuuljw6y9tc" "6503695/1/1" 45 19.7231 0.488925 0.527895 0.8146527777777778
"akash1ga6xuntfwsqrutv9dwz4rjcy5h8efn7yw6dywu" "6431684/1/1" 66 28.9272 5.47028 5.527302 5.815763888888889
"akash1f9mn3dhajkcrqxzk5c63kzka7t9tur3xehrn2r" "6426723/1/1" 69 30.2421 6.06048 6.120024 6.1594444444444445
"akash12r63l4ldjvjqmagmq9fe82r78cqent5hucyg48" "6496087/1/1" 114 49.9652 2.10661 2.204874 1.343125
"akash12r63l4ldjvjqmagmq9fe82r78cqent5hucyg48" "6496338/1/1" 98 42.9525 1.78683 1.871212 1.3259722222222223
"akash1tfj0hh6h0zqak0fx7jhhjyc603p7d7y4xmnlp3" "6511999/1/1" 66 28.9272 0.169422 0.226182 0.23798611111111112