- nodejs (v10)
- Kafka (v2)
- Redis (v5)
Configuration for the notification server is at config/default.js
The following parameters can be set in config files or in env variables:
- DISABLE_LOGGING: whether to disable logging
- LOG_LEVEL: the log level
- KAFKA_URL: comma separated Kafka hosts
- KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the Kafka group id
- KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT: Kafka connection certificate, optional; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to certificate file or certificate content
- KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY: Kafka connection private key, optional; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to private key file or private key content
- TOPICS: Kafka topics to listen to
- AUTH0_URL: Auth0 URL, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Auth0 audience, used to get TC M2M token
- TOKEN_CACHE_TIME: token cache time, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: Auth0 client id, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: Auth0 client secret, used to get TC M2M token
- GET_CHALLENGE_DETAILS_URL: URL to get challenge details
- GET_USER_DETAILS_URL: URL to get user details
- GET_USER_DETAILS_BY_HANDLE_URL: URL to get user details by handle
- REDIS_CONNECTION: Redis connection
- REDIS_EVENT_LIST_KEY: Redis event list key
- MAX_CACHED_EVENTS: max count of events to cache
Test config is at test/testConfig.js
, you don't need to change it.
The following test parameters can be set in test config files or in env variables:
- WAIT_MS: the time in milliseconds to wait for some processing completion
- USE_MOCK: flag to use mock requests in tests to avoid server issues with real apis and make tests to run faster
Set the following environment variables so that the app can get TC M2M token (use 'set' instead of 'export' for Windows OS):
export AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=8QovDh27SrDu1XSs68m21A1NBP8isvOt
export AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=3QVxxu20QnagdH-McWhVz0WfsQzA1F8taDdGDI4XphgpEYZPcMTF4lX3aeOIeCzh
export AUTH0_URL=https://topcoder-dev.auth0.com/oauth/token
export AUTH0_AUDIENCE=https://m2m.topcoder-dev.com/
contains details to setup and manage Kafka server, below provides details to setup Kafka server in Mac, Windows will use bat commands in bin/windows instead- download kafka at
- extract out the doanlowded file
- go to extracted directory
- start ZooKeeper server:
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
- use another terminal, go to same directory, start the Kafka server:
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
- note that the zookeeper server is at localhost:2181, and Kafka server is at localhost:9092
- use another terminal, go to same directory, create some topics:
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic challenge.notification.events
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.create
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.update
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.delete
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic notifications.autopilot.events
- verify that the topics are created:
bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
, it should list out the created topics
- below are verified in Mac
- download Redis from
- extract out the content
- go to extracted folder
- run
- go to
folder - run
to start Redis server - in the
folder, you may run./redis-cli
to start a Redis client to interact with the server
- setup Kafka as above
- setup Redis as above
- install dependencies
npm i
- run code lint check
npm run lint
- run code lint fix
npm run lint:fix
- run tests
npm run test
- run tests with coverage
npm run cov
and you can check coverage report incoverage
folder - start app
npm start
, it starts Kafka consumer to listen to configured topics
You may no need to run git init
if already git repo.
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m init
- heroku create
- heroku config:set KAFKA_URL=... TOPICS=topic1,topic2
- git push heroku HEAD:master
setup Kafka as above
setup Redis as above
see above for details to run tests
start app
to do manual verification for Kafka consumer, go to the Kafka folder
run Kafka producer for topic
:bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic challenge.notification.events
input message of user registration to producer:
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "type": "USER_REGISTRATION", "data": { "challengeId": 30049360, "userId": 23124329 } } }
watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is user registration (unregistration) message.
- input message of add resource to producer:
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "type": "ADD_RESOURCE", "data": { "challengeId": 30049360, "request": { "roleId": 14, "resourceUserId": 23124329, "phaseId": 0, "addNotification": true, "addForumWatch": true, "checkTerm": false, "studio": false } } } }
- watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is add resource message.
- input message of update draft challenge to producer:
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "type": "UPDATE_DRAFT_CHALLENGE", "data": { "id": 30049360, "confidentialityType": null, "technologies": [], "subTrack": null, "name": null, "reviewType": "COMMUNITY", "billingAccountId": 80000632, "milestoneId": 1, "prizes": [10], "projectId": 18693 }, "userId": 22838965 } }
- watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is update draft or activate challenge message.
- input message of active challenge to producer:
{"topic":"challenge.notification.events","originator":"originator","timestamp":"2018-01-02T00:00:00","mime-type":"application/json","payload":{"type":"ACTIVATE_CHALLENGE","data":{"id":30049360,"confidentialityType":null,"technologies":[],"subTrack":null,"name":"test name","reviewType":"COMMUNITY","billingAccountId":123,"milestoneId":1,"detailedRequirements":null,"submissionGuidelines":null,"registrationStartsAt":"2018-01-02T00:11:22.001Z","registrationEndsAt":"2018-01-02T00:11:22.001Z","checkpointSubmissionStartsAt":null,"checkpointSubmissionEndsAt":null,"submissionEndsAt":"2018-01-02T00:11:22.001Z","round1Info":null,"round2Info":null,"platforms":[],"numberOfCheckpointPrizes":0,"checkpointPrize":0,"finalDeliverableTypes":"test type","prizes":[10],"projectId":123,"submissionVisibility":false,"maxNumOfSubmissions":0,"task":null,"assignees":null,"failedRegisterUsers":null,"copilotFee":null,"copilotId":null,"codeRepo":null,"environment":null,"fixedFee":null,"percentageFee":null}}}
- watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is update draft or activate challenge message.
- input message of close task to producer:
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "type": "CLOSE_TASK", "data": { "challengeId": 30049360, "userId": 23124329, "winnerId": 22678451 } } }
- watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is close task message.
- input message that can not be handled:
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "type": "OTHER", "data": { "challengeId": 30049360, "userId": 23124329, "winnerId": 22678451 } } }
- watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: No processor can recognize and handle the message, it will be ignored.
in the Kafka producer, write some invalid messages:
invalid message [{
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "abc", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "key1": "value1" } }
{ "topic": "challenge.notification.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json" }
watch the app console output, errors details are shown
run another Kafka producer for another topic
:bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.create
input message of contest submission to producer:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.create", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "resource": "submission", "id": "slkdf", "type": "Contest Submission", "url": "http://demo.com", "memberId": 23124329, "challengeId": 30049360, "created": "2018-01-02T00:11:22.000Z", "updated": "2018-01-02T00:11:22.000Z", "createdBy": "Amith", "updatedBy": "Amith", "submissionPhaseId": 961198, "fileType": "zip", "isFileSubmission": false } }
watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is contest submission message.
run another Kafka producer for another topic
:bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic notifications.autopilot.events
input message of auto pilot event to producer:
{ "topic": "notifications.autopilot.events", "originator": "test-originator", "timestamp": "2018-02-16T00:00:00", "mime-type": "application/json", "payload": { "date": "2018-01-02T00:11:22.000Z", "projectId": 30049360, "phaseId": 953326, "phaseTypeName": "Submission", "state": "END", "operator": "22841596" } }
watch the app console output, below is shown:
info: It is auto pilot event message.
- in the Redis client, you may run command like
LRANGE events 0 9
to view the cached events, this command returns the cached oldest 10 events, note that latest event is stored at the end of list, the events in Redis is like:> LRANGE events 0 9
1) "{\"topic\":\"challenge.notification.events\",\"challengeName\":\"Code Dev-Env Test\",\"challengeType\":\"Code\",\"challengePrizes\":[350,150],\"firstName\":\"F_NAME\",\"lastName\":\"L_NAME\",\"photoURL\":\"https://www.topcoder.com/i/m/callmekatootie.jpeg\",\"createdAt\":\"2018-02-15T16:00:00.000Z\"}"
2) "{\"topic\":\"challenge.notification.events\",\"challengeName\":\"Code Dev-Env Test\",\"challengeType\":\"Code\",\"challengePrizes\":[350,150],\"firstName\":\"F_NAME\",\"lastName\":\"L_NAME\",\"photoURL\":\"https://www.topcoder.com/i/m/callmekatootie.jpeg\",\"createdAt\":\"2018-02-15T16:00:00.000Z\"}"
- a good enhancement is made, it uses Kafka group consumer instead of simple consumer, so that it can handle Kafka messages raised when the app is down