Attempting to implement XNOR neural network functions (Convolution, GEMM ...) on Intel ISA.
For CUDA compatiable (Nvidia GPU) XNOR convolutional kernel, check out this repository.
Run xCMMA.c for benchmarking the algorithm.
The image above is representing the results of an extremely crudely optimized code. Will post improvements as they come.
Run xCONV.c for benchmarking the algorithm.
The image above is representing the results of an extremely crudely optimized code. Will post improvements as they come.
Note that both images have a logarithmic left vertical-axis.
xCONV benchmark
Matrix Size | FP CONV (s) | xCONV (s) | Speed up | Kernel size |
4096 | 0.0354336 | 0.0400825 | 0.88403 | 4x4 |
2048 | 0.0350968 | 0.0089961 | 3.9013353 | 4x4 |
1024 | 0.0298355 | 0.0022663 | 13.164592 | 4x4 |
512 | 0.0017948 | 0.0005657 | 3.17270695 | 4x4 |
256 | 0.0020824 | 0.0001499 | 13.891977 | 4x4 |
128 | 0.0013783 | 0.000078 | 17.67053 | 4x4 |
64 | 0.0018215 | 0.0000431 | 42.26214 | 4x4 |
xGEMM benchmark
Matrix size | CMMA time | xGEMM optimized | Speedup | Binarization time |
16384 | 182.287 | 2.7664 | 65.89149 | 0.2814668 |
8192 | 14.2207 | 0.35705 | 39.826515 | 0.0742801 |
4096 | 1.57082 | 0.04895 | 32.08706 | 0.0114089 |
2048 | 0.18772 | 0.004151 | 45.216988 | 0.0024204 |
1024 | 0.02456 | 0.00125 | 19.6676843 | 0.00056671 |
512 | 0.007147 | 0.000213 | 33.38669 | 0.0001167 |
256 | 0.0018346 | 0.0000558 | 32.8785 | 0.0000371 |
These codes have been written on the Colfax Cluster optimized for Intel Xeon Phi KNL 7210.
To run xCMMA.c, execute this:
icpc -xMIC-AVX512 -qopenmp -mkl -fp-model fast=2 -fma -unroll=4 xCMMA.c -o xCMMA.out && echo ~/parallel/xCMMA.out | qsub
To learn more about OpenMP and attempt some basic exercises, execute:
gcc experiments.c -fopenmp -lm
in the terminal.
The compiler option –xcode
The general form is –xcode on Linux* and /Qxcode on Windows* where code is the argument. This option tells the compiler which processor features it may target. To generate Intel AVX-512 instructions, you can use one of the three different arguments to generate different categories:
-xCOMMON-AVX512: use this option to generate AVX-512F and AVX-512CD.
-xMIC-AVX512: use this option to generate AVX-512F, AVX-512CD, AVX-512ER and AVX-512FP.
-xCORE-AVX512: use this option to generate AVX-512F, AVX-512CD, AVX-512BW, AVX-512DQ and AVX-512VL.
For example, to generate Intel AVX-512 instructions for the Intel Xeon Phi processor x200, you should use the option –xMIC-AVX512. For example, on a Linux system
$ icc –xMIC-AVX512 application.c
This compiler option is useful when you want to build a huge binary for the Intel Xeon Phi processor x200. Instead of building it on the Intel Xeon Phi processor x200 where it will take more time, build it on an Intel Xeon processor-based machine
- Intel® Xeon Phi™ 7210 Processor Properties = xeonphi,knl,knl7210,ram96gb,flat,quadrant
This is a work in progress. There might be some mistakes here. Do let me know if you find any logical errors in the code.
- Upload codes
- Update code gists
- Create CLI
- Create function timers
- Link main function with parser