Written Purely in Kotlin:heart:
]( https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/7328 )
Type | Output |
Success | |
Warning | |
Error | |
Information | |
Default |
implementation 'com.github.akhilbv1:CustomToastLibrary:v1.0.2'
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
CustomToast.makeText(this, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,CustomToast.DEFAULT, "Toast is working",false).show();
Method | Paramter | Description |
makeDefaultToast() | Context context,String message | Default Toast |
makeSuccessToast() | Context context,String message,int shouldShowIcon | Success Toast with message and icon visibility |
makeErrorToast() | Context context,String message, int shouldShowIcon | Error Toast with message and icon visibility |
makeWarningToast() | Context context, String message, int shouldShowIcon | Warning Toast with message and icon visibility |
makeInfoToast() | @NonNull Context context, String message, int shouldShowIcon | Information Toast with message and icon visibility |
CustomToastView.makeText(this@Sample,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,"Toast is working",R.layout.toast)
If direct call to makeText is popping any error then please use CustomToatView.build (name of companion object)
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