This is Akib, an engineer and a researcher who is enthusiastic about developping softwares on multiple layers of the technology stack, from Operating System kernel to user layer. My theme of development is gaining strong fundamental knowledge of the underlying software systems and deploying that knowledge in a variety of tech-stacks. Hence, my software development activity involves working on a variety of platforms and layers.
- Web Stack: React.js, Django, AWS EC2, AWS S3, Nginx, PhP, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB
- Mobile Applicaiton Stack: RxSwift, RxJava, Objective C, Networking and multi-threading libraries on iOS and Android
Middleware Layer: UNIX (Linux/Mac) library development, iOS frameworks and Android library development
- UNIX stack: C/C++, Python3, Docker, Vagrant, Shell Script
- Mobile Applicaiton Library stack: Bluetooth libraries such as iOS Corebluetooth and Android Bluetooth Module, Logging libraries such as CocoaLumberJackLogger and Log4j
- Tech Stack: Networking subsystem of Linux, Broadcom Wifi/Bluetooth combo firmware, RPC on embedded linux OS