Use Backbone with a JSON RPC 2.0 API
Lo-Dash (not the Underscore build) or Underscore with a mixin that adds the _.deepClone function. Here's an example of an mixin that adds _.deepClone to underscore:
// We used the pattern,
// so this works with requirejs, node require, commonjs, etc.
var RPC2 = require('backbone.rpc2');
// Models which should sync using the RPC 2.0 service must extend
// Backbone RPC2's Model instead of Backbone.Model directly.
var BaseModel = RPC2.Model.extend({
url: '',
rpcOptions: {
// http headers to send to api
headers: {
'X-Client-Type': 'API'
// map backbone CRUD methods to RPC methods
methods: {
create: {
// name of method on server
method: 'create_something',
// params to send,
// can also be a function which returns the params object
// Example: function(model) { return { name: model.get(name) }; }
params: {
// prepend "attributes." to the beginning of a string to send an attribute of the model
// send the models name
name: '',
// send a fixed boolean, object, string, etc.
is_awesome: true
// other methods follow the same format
read: ...
update: ...
delete: ...