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Vue-class-component vite

Get started

  • Use specific node version specified in .nvmrc: nvm use
  • Install package libraries with yarn package manager yarn install --frozen-lockfile
  • Copy build configuration: cp build/example.json build/local.json.
  • To start dev server use yarn start. The app should be available on http://localhost:8080
  • To lint and test use yarn test and yarn lint. To fix eslint errors use yarn lint:es:fix
  • To start cypress test locally halt the vite devserver and run yarn test.
  • For developing cypress test it's easier to the vite dev server yarn start and run yarn cypress open. In this configuration files build/local.json and build/test.json should be alike.

Configuring local system

Variables variables

  • BACKEND_ADDRESS - Full url for the backend. E.g. https://localhost:8082
  • IS_DEBUG - turn on logging and other features that are helfull for debug
  • PUBLIC_PATH - string, e.g., url for images/js/css/fonts instead of relative path like './main.js. Can be used if you're using CDN that's on a different domain than index.html
  • PORT - e.g. 8080 only for dev server to serve a port. If you run cypress against vite dev server instead of servor PORT should be the same as in build/test.json
  • BASE_URL used in cypress test to determine which site to open

Configuration files

Get familiar with stack

Typescript (or ts shortly) allows to write typesafe code:

const a: number = 3;
  • To get started with ts I would recommend watching this 10 minutes video
  • To get started with decorators I recommend this video
  • For advanced learning I recommend checking what's new in every version of typescript. You may find a lot of interesting things.

Vue allows to write SFC that would generate html to the page. Vue is only responsible for UI layer, this is not an MVC framework. The only thing that it does is creates <div></div> codeblocks. Everything else is handled by libraries below .

Vuex is a state management pattern. It allows multiple vue components to have single model/data (source of truth). So if you have a user object like {age: 3, name: 'eric'} it can be accessible in multiple places. This is redux/mobx analogue for React.

Vue router allows navigation across pages in vue, w/o sending get request to the server. And produces access to URL parameters. The examples of routes is here:

new VueRouter({
  routes: [{
    path: '/posts', // this is url address
    component: PostsPage // this is vue component

Sass allows to write code that would be compiled into css

$font-stack:    Helvetica, sans-serif
  font: 100% $font-stack
    display: block

Vue class component allows to write vue component in class manner instead of object:

export default class App extends Vue {
  // initial data
  msg = 123

  // use prop values for initial data
  helloMsg = 'Hello, ' + this.propMessage

  // lifecycle hook
  mounted () {

  // computed
  get computedMsg () {
    return 'computed ' + this.msg

  // method
  greet () {
    alert('greeting: ' + this.msg)

Since vue-class-component forces you to have decorators above the class like this:

  props: {
    propMessage: String
export default class App extends Vue {}

the following construction can be used instead:

import { Vue, Component, Prop, Watch, Emit, Ref } from 'vue-property-decorator'

export class MyComp extends Vue {

  button: HTMLInputElement;

  @Prop() readonly propA!: number;

  onChildChanged(val: string, oldVal: string) { }

  changedProps() {}

This is a wrapper with static getters for vuex. Check store/users instead of writing vuex modules as a dict, for instance:

import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation, Action } from 'vuex-module-decorators'

export default class UserState extends VuexModule {
 count = 0
 increment(delta: number) {
   this.count += delta
 // action 'decr' commits mutation 'increment' when done with return value as payload
 @Action({ commit: 'increment' })
 decr() {
   return 5

State can be injected into the vue component this way:

class A extends Vue {
    public readonly count!: number;

Vuetify provides sets of UI components with animations, colors and visually pleasant following Material Design specification. Instead of building lots of customization, you can just plug something like below and it will have all the neats.


This wrapper provides a single interface to console.log and displays the origin source file location:

logger.log('Hello world')(); // pay attention to () in the end.

A testing framework that allows running test-cases directly in chrome (alternative to Selenium, that runs it on server) That part you've already seen on mocha above can be appended with cypress assertions and helpers:

it("should contain 5 elements", (): void => {
  cy.get("[data-cy=filtered-users-container]").children().should("have.length", 1);

Cypress policies are:

  • We mock every 3rd party dependnency, including backend and images for every test
  • Every single page (item imported to vue-router) should have at least one screenshot tests, one assertion for text it contains (e.g. cy.contains('home page'), one default action behaviour (e.g. login action resulting being logged in), if there are any and a few failed steps (e.g. incorrect password during login)
  • Screenshot match library has the fixed resolution defined in the figma which is 1280x720. If you run cyress in development mode, set chrome zoom exactly to 100% and iframe window with the app should fit it wihout scale as well (another zoom is specified in the right top corner and it should be 1280x928 wihtout percentage symbol)

Development tips

How to ignore linting errors

  • Exclude from coverage: /* istanbul ignore if */ guide
  • ignore tslint error: // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name guide
  • ignore eslint error: // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins guide
  • ignore typescript error: // @ts-ignore: next-line guide
  • ignore stylelint error: /* stylelint-disable-line */ guide


  • Take a look at vue.js devtools
  • window has many useful objects like consts, vue, store, router, api, so you can do things like store.dispatch('alertError', 'Hello') directly from chrome dev console


Every vue component has injected .$logger object, to log something to console use this.logger.log('Hello {}', {1:'world'})(); Note calling function again in the end. Logger is disabled for production. For more info visit lines-logger


Example using vue-class-component with vue3






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