Domain specific RGB-LED music visualiser system
vsr.exe settings.ini xml/Playlist.xml
VSR uses a C++ desktop host to control the embedded system and the music playlist. Host application was compiled using Code::Blocks, GCC10.
Required libraries: SFML, TagLib.
modifier key: left shift
escape: exit application
mousewheel: set maximum volume
mod + mousewheel: set maximum brightness
V: toggle FFT visualisation
mod + V: toggle FFT transmission
right cursor: start next song in playlist
left cursor: start previous song in playlist
mod + right cursor: jump forward 10 seconds in playback
mod + left cursor: jump backward 10 seconds in playback
space: pause/resume playback
mod + space: toggle automatic start of next song
D: toggle debug overlay
mod + D: toggle debug overlay
VSR uses STM32 F446RE Nucleo board. MCU project was compiled using System Workbench for STM32.
VSR uses JetBrains MetaProgramming System as the Domain Specific Development Environment. VSR language was build with MPS 2022.2.
TDK.pdf contains the full project documentation in Hungarian.