Front-end for the Workout App
#First Download Back-End and run the server. All steps on how to clone and deploy backend are available on the link below :)
#Clone Ruby on Rails back-end here --->
#Front end cloning process below introduction
-Learn to weightlift by accessing a series workouts. For each workout the user can see a list of targeted muscles or watch a how-to video on the specific workout. Users can also create new workouts to add to our database.
● Developed a Ruby on Rails API backend in order to create seeded data and React front-end to fetch data from the Rails backend.
● Utilized JSON web Tokens and local storage to store encrypted user information on the client-side and bcrypt, JWT on server-side in order to encrypt user passwords in the backend.
● Managed Rails backend routing to fetch database information.
● Took advantage of client-side React routing in order to minimize load time for user data
● Implemented the user interface with fully CSS styling
Clone down and change directory into app on local machine by 'cd Client-Workout-App'
Change directory into 'client' folder by running 'cd client' and then run 'npm install'
Run 'npm start' to get started with the demo
-More design through css. Add flexbox and grid layout
-Add a like button functionality to see which workouts are the most liked.
-Edit profile pages for users for a more user-friendly UI