This is a mobile application for Vehicle Number Plate Detection & Recognition
- Managing information about car park usage
- Verifying RTO registration of vehicle
- Flexible and automatic entry of vehicle at large events,commercial places etc.
- Effective enforcement of traffic rules
- Number plate detection : locating number plate from provided image using image processing
- Extracting text from the detected Number Plate: Extracting alphanumeric characters from cropped license plate using OCR
- In our app we can provide image from gallery or capture it using the inbuilt camera
- Selected image is sent to flask backend as URI (HTTP request to backend server)
- Backend detects the respective media and encode the acquired BINARY_CONTENT in a single media file in the same directory.
- Image processing is done using OpenCV functions like imutils, greyscale conversion ,canny edge detection ,contour detection for extracting number plate.
- pytesseract OCR is used for extracting alphanumeric characters from detected number plate.
- Extracted number is sent back to front end (await fetch call)where it is displayed below VAAHAN webview and Copy-to-clipboard option get enabled.
- Clone the repo
- Move Into Working Directory
cd Vehicle-Info
- To Setup Backend create a virtual environment using virtualenv
python -m virtualenv <env_name>
source <env_name>/bin/activate
Install all the requirements using pip command requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To Setup Frontend run command
npm install
- Run the Project
expo start
cd backend
flask run -h
- You can run it on your android emulator OR using expo app to use this project
Asst. Prof. Vaibhav Khatavkar