This is a Hasura project constructed to showcase integration. The app takes input queries of the form "Restaurants in [location]" and extracts and displays the location entered.
Hasura Hub:
The app uses the Hasura Auth microservice for handling user login and signup operations. Gifted Chat is the library used for rendering the interface and the Expo Text-to-Speech API for realtime voice output.
Make sure you have Node v6 or later installed. I strongly recommend using Yarn, or npm v4. Create React Native App does not currently work with npm v5 due to bugs in npm (you can track the issue here). No Xcode or Android Studio installation is required.
$ cd react-native/
$ yarn install # installs all dependencies as specified in package.json
$ yarn start
This will install all dependencies as specified in package.json
"dependencies": {
"@expo/vector-icons": "^6.2.0",
"expo": "^22.0.0",
"native-base": "^2.3.3",
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "",
"react-native-gifted-chat": "",
"react-native-nav": "2.0.2"
Install the Expo app on your iOS or Android phone, and use the QR code in the terminal to open the app. Find the QR scanner in the Projects tab of the app.
If you're familiar with React Native already, you won't find any ios
or android
directories in this project, just JavaScript. Once this installation is done, there are some commands you can run in the project directory:
Runs the app in development mode with an interactive prompt. To run it without a prompt, use the --no-interactive
Open it in the Expo app on your phone to view it. It will reload if you save edits to your files, and you will see build errors and logs in the terminal.
This will start the process of "ejecting" from Create React Native App's build scripts. You'll be asked a couple of questions about how you'd like to build your project.
Warning: Running eject is a permanent action. Please use a version control system, such as git, so you can revert back if necessary. An ejected app will require you to have an Xcode and/or Android Studio environment set up.
If you're having issues with this app or would like to request new features, reach out to me at @akshitbhalla13 on Twitter. Personal Website.
Create-React-App is used as a starter kit for the web-app.
The YouTube API is used for getting autocomplete data and Material UI is used for styling the interface.
Axios is used to make AJAX calls to the server.
If you're having issues with this app or would like to request new features, reach out to Chamanth at @chamanth95 or Debarghya at Reddit.
For the backend, the user input is sent in the form of JSON data in the body of a POST request which is extracted and sent for analysis to the API.
The response is stored, converted into JSON and sent back to the front end for rendering on the user's device.
If you're having issues with this app or would like to request new features, reach out to Gurankas Singh at @gurankas.