A Gemetric informed Graph neural network based model for Cancer survival prediction
- pytorch
- networkx
- numpy
- pandas
- lifelines
- matplotlib
- Download multi-omics data and biological network from
- https://themmrf.org/finding-a-cure/our-work/the-mmrf-commpass-study/
- https://www.cbioportal.org/
- https://www.hprd.org/
- https://www.genome.jp/kegg/
- Run preprocessing: Preprocessing.R
- Input multi-omics data is filtered by available genes intersect with HPRD gene set and KEGG gene set
- Output RNA.csv, CNA.csv, Methy.csv and clinn.csv in a folder "out/" in the original data folder
- Compute Ollivier-Ricci curvature: Compute_ORC.py
- Use csv files generated from last step
- Curvature results are saved in "out/" as RNA_curv.csv, CNA_curv.csv and Methyl_curv.csv
- Run GGNN model: Test_multi_curv_net_surv.py
- A processed data set of TCGA study of LGG with HPRD network and KEGG pathway can be download via the link bellow:
- https://stonybrookmedicine.box.com/s/7t8qbrmni7n16lcfu3kmlnwje9l6qgdy