This is my solution to Coding Challenge #1 - Slide in Menu from @iamshaunjp The Net Ninja
- Sliding in and out of the menu nav when we hit the burger nav icon
- Animation of the burger nav icon into the cross and vice versa
- Burger and cross icon sit at the very top of everything else on the page (it will visible whatever menu nav sliding in or out).
- Use input type
as menu toggler (make invisible) - Create menu bar icon using combination of label > span, psedo element
- Use psedo selector of input type
to set style of menu bar icon into cross and sliding in or out menu nav
- Thanks a lot to @iamshaunjp from The Net Ninja for always gives amazing videos
- This is my best solution that i can think of that don't need me to write any javascript code
- Feel free to point out if i make any mistake or if you have any suggestion.
- Again thanks so much to @iamshaunjp for this challange, i learned a lot while trying to complete this challenge.
- Thanks for your time.