Building an Obstacle-Avoiding Robot. The Project is implemented in embedded C using the AVR Atmega328P microcontroller, Ultrasonic sensor, and L298N Motor Driver. The robot is designed to navigate autonomously and avoid obstacles in its path using a combination of sensors and control algorithms.
- Autonomous obstacle avoidance: The robot uses an Ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in its path and employs control algorithms to avoid them.
- Motor control: The code controls the direction and speed of the robot's movement using the L298N Motor Driver.
- Sensor integration: The Ultrasonic sensor is utilized to perceive the environment and detect obstacles.
- Embedded C Language: The code is written in Embedded C
- AVR Atmega328P microcontroller
- Ultrasonic sensor
- L298N Motor Driver module
- Motors for robot movement
- Power supply
- Chassis and wheels for the robot
- Jumper Wires
AVR C Compiler: AVR Microship studio