The online-store created with MVC architecture, user/admin roles, authentication and authorization, online payment system, and REST API.
- Express.js (Node.js framework) version: 4.17.3
- Mongoose (intermediate library between Express.js and MongoDB) version: 6.2.10
- Multer (middleware for handling files in form) version: 1.4.4
- Passport.js (authentication middleware) version: 0.5.2
- Stripe (API for online payment processing) version: 8.220.0
To run this project (after downloading and installing the packages):
$ npm start
To authorize as admin, append /logadmin
to the url. The username and password is — "admin" (I am aware I shouldn't store raw passwords like this).
After authorizing, to go to admin page, append /madmin
to the url.