This MacOS App prepares image data for the Apple CreateML utility which can be invoked from Xcode, by creating directories based on a spreadsheet of categories, attributes and images.
E.g: A spreadsheet of the format: Photoname, Rank , Suit 1club.jpg, Ace, clubs 4spades.jpg, 4 , spades ...
allows the photos to be copied to a directory called suit or a directory called rank or both. Once these directories have been created by this App, then CreateML can be used to train a model based on the categories you have selected and the images within these catagories. This overcomes createML's' limitation that it cannot combine a spreadsheet of properties with collections of photos or other immages. This combination is often found on Kaggle and other ml platforms.
MacOS 15 or later (since @Observation is used)
- Select the spreadsheet catalogue of images
- Identify which of the columns in the spreadsheet refers to the image, and which do you intend to use as categories
- Select the folder that holds the images
- Select the directory where you would like the images copied to.
- Execute - New subfolders are created, one for each category. And within the subfolders new subfolders are created one for each property.
- Download the spreadsheet file from the TestMedia asset.
- You can place the spreadsheet in any directory of your choice.
- Note the directory path where you placed the spreadsheet.
- Edit the scheme CreateMLImageDistributorTests so that the Run Environment variable SPREADSHEET_PATH points to this directory path.
- Open the Xcode project.
- Select the test target.
- Run the tests using
Command + U
- When prompted, select the directory where you placed the spreadsheet.
- Ensure the file name matches