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Monorepo for all JS internal dependencies


  • @alanszp/logger - Logger made simple
  • @alanszp/express - Express utils and middlewares
  • @alanszp/errors - BaseError for typescript and many more

Local dev

Clone the repo and run on root folder:

# Installs all dependencies including per-package ones.
yarn install

# Builds all dependencies for the first time so when you import from another, will have the type definition.
yarn lerna run build

Install general deps (mainly lerna) & all deps from every package and also will link local packages thogether - only if one depends (prod or dev, not peer) on the other. No need to run lerna bootstrap. Yarn workspaces ftw :D.

Now you will be able to code in each proyect.

Publishing new versions

This consist in two steps.

Bump the version

After merging the changes in prod, you should bump the versions of all modiified packages.

To do this, run:

  • npm login
  • lerna publish

If no change was made in the repo, lerna will output Current HEAD is already released, skipping change detection.

Lerna will do it's magic and will ask you to choose which positional version will be bumped (we use SemVer versioning standard) and then review and confirm the changes to make

If everything is correct, you will see something like this:

 - @alanszp/logger: 0.0.1 => 1.0.0

? Are you sure you want to create these versions? Yes
lerna info execute Skipping releases
lerna info git Pushing tags...
lerna success version finished

This will make two changes:

  • First, will update the package.json from the package you just bumped and also will change all the other local packages' package.json which depends from that package.
  • Then, will auto-commit and push those changes to github, and also tag the commit with the package and version number (e.g. @alanszp/logger@1.0.0) and push the tag too.

Publishing to npm


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