Satellite is a scalable Open Source Intelligence platorm for security researchers who are looking for an easy to use plugin system. Satellite allows you to create in minutes a module that will run on a Kubernetes based cluster and be launchable from a user-friendly Command Line Interactive tool.
This module will have access to a ready to use infrastructure containing MongoDB, Kafka, Neo4J and be run on Kubernetes.
Satellite gives you access to MongoDB for cache data storage and Neo4J for the result graph. The CLI allows you to visualize easily the data stored in Neo4J.
- Download and install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
snap install satellite
and follow instructions (it takes about one hour)
You can monitor units with juju status
or via the web gui with juju gui
to remove the deployed infrastructure.
$> satellite.cli --help
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--server, -s [default: "localhost"]
--port, -p [default: 80]
--protocol [default: "http"]
- Create a folder
- Create a folder "features" in the first folder
These two steps can be realized either on the same machine as the CLI, either on the same machine as the satellite Master server.
- Create a folder "cli" in "yourplugin/features"
- Create a "config.yml" file in "yourplugin/features/cli"
This yaml file has to contain a list of objects. Each object contains 3 attributs:
- configuration: It's the vorpal configuration line
- description: A human readable description of the command
- kubernetes-file: The name of the associated kubernetes deployment file
- configuration: test with required option <username>
description: This is a test command
kubernetes-file: test.yml
- configuration: another test <username>
description: another test command
kubernetes-file: test.yml
See vorpal commands for the configuration attribut:
- Create a folder "deployments" in "yourplugin/features"
- Create a deployment file "test.yml" in "yourplugin/features/deployments"
This file must contain a Kubernetes deployment configuration. This configuration will be sent to Kubernetes with "kubectl create -f" and so has to be compatible with such command.
If you need to have params for your configuration, you can use the jinja2 syntax to template the deployment file. The deployment file will be compiled with Swig (which respects jinja2 syntax). When you define an argument or an option in the configuration attribut of the CLI config file, the argument will be sent to the templating engine.
There is templating variables for an uuid generated value and network configurations:
An example of the deployment template file:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: spotify-habits-get-all-for-user-{{ username }}
app: spotify-habits
- name: spotify-habits-get-all-for-user-{{ username }}
image: spotify-habits
args: ["./", "{{ username }}"]
- name: NEO4J_URL
value: "bolt://{{ neo4j_host }}:{{ neo4j_port }}"
restartPolicy: Never
- launch the CLI.
- type
load plugin /path/to/the/plugin
You can load again to apply modifications of a plugin and so iterate while developing it.
- launch master with the option
--loadPluginsDir /path/to/your/plugin
Reload master to reload the plugin
Run snap install satellite
Run satellite.deploy
The master IP will be displayed at the end. We'll use it as "$ip"
Run satellite.cli -s $ip
Load plugins you want to load with load plugin ../plugin/testplugin
You'll have now access to new commands. Launch some commands, you'll see the progress through grey logs on the CLI.
You have access to a visualizer on http://localhost:9123/ (on the same machine as the CLI)
- Install nodejs yarn,
- Go into the
folder - Launch the
command - Launch CLI with
yarn start -s $ip -p $port
is the satellite master ip address and$port
the port)
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install build-essential python librdkafka-dev
- Install nodejs yarn,
- Go into the
To build and redeploy:
docker build -t smaster .
- Get the docker registry ip with
juju status
docker tag smaster ip:5000/smaster
docker push ip:5000/smaster
juju remove-machine <smaster machine id> --force
juju remove-application smaster
- See the
script to redeploy the smaster charm
Troubleshoot with:
juju ssh smaster/0
sudo docker logs $(docker ps -q)
orsudo cat /var/log/juju/unit*.log
- Go into the
folder - Code scripts you need, and update the deployment configuration
docker build -t <pluginname> .
docker tag <pluginname> ip:5000/<pluginname>
docker push ip:5000/<pluginname>
- Launch the CLI with
satellite.cli -s $ip -p $port
is the satellite master ip address and$port
the port) - Run
load plugin ./
- Test the plugin commands
juju status
- cd into plugin directory
- code scripts you need, and give them the IPs they need for MongoDB and Neo4J
- code and iterate by starting them manually
- launch the CLI with
satellite.cli -s $ip
- run
load plugin ./
This is the iteration loop
docker build -t pluginname .
docker push ip:5000/pluginname
- exec the plugin commands
- iterate
- Check if everything works with juju status
- Try to use it
- Modify deployment code
- Iterate
Run satellite.clean