This repo, deleted their commit history in an attempt to force people into a paid plan. This repo is an attempt to preserve the last commit of that repo to continue to allow Sketch users to download, fork, and use this Sketch plugin as you did previously. This is all completely legal and free of charge, as this code is licensed under GPLv3.
I'm open to PRs and issues, but I won't be taking feature requests unless someone else volunteers to maintain this plugin. If you would like ongoing support, I suggest you pay for the full version of merge-duplicate-symbols.
You can see the non-flattened history in the previous repository here: plugin to merge symbols with the same name. Choose the one you want to keep and press OK. The other symbols will be removed, and all of their instances will be replaced by the one you chose to keep.
Say you have three different cards with three different buttons in them. Each button is a symbol, and somehow those three symbol buttons have the same name. Let's merge them!
Simply run the "Merge duplicates symbol plugin" from the Plugins menu.
The plugin will find automatically all symbols with the same name and ask you, for each of them, what to do with them. Choose the one you want to keep and press OK. The other symbols with the same name will be removed, and all of their instances will be replaced by the one you chose to keep.
If you don't want to merge the symbols, just skip it by clicking on "Don't merge this one".
And that's it! Symbols are merged. The discarded ones are removed, and all of their instances are replaced by the new one.
Let Sketchpacks or Runner do the work for you. Open one of them, search for "Merge duplicate symbols", and click "Install".

- Download archive with the plugin.
- Reveal plugins folder in finder ('Sketch App Menu' -> 'Plugins' -> 'Manage Plugins...' -> 'Gear Icon' -> 'Show Plugins Folder').
- Delete previously installed version of the plugin (
folder orMergeDuplicateSymbols.sketchplugin
bundle) - Un-zip downloaded archive and double-click
file inside it.
What a great plugin - Donate 3€
Wow! That really helped me! - Donate 5€
This totally saved my life! Shut up and take my money! :) - Donate 10€