This project will show new renters/home buyers where they should move to so that they are closer to the in person communities they are interested in. We will do a test run with a major US city in this notebook, Chicago.
Looking for a place to live while being out in a new city can be a hastle if you don't know where to look. This community finder project hopes to solve this problem and can be something that allows the everyday American to easily plan their home finding experience.
We will take into account a number of geographical and socioeconomic factors to figure out where certain communities are more likely to be. Only three categories will be presented to the user in this project, recreation, foodie, and high end living. Data for each city being considered will be pulled from the SquareSpace API.
The Data used will include restaurants, recreational activities, housing prices, and high end shopping centers. A zipcodes proximity to these factors will give it a categorization that indicates whether or not it's the right place for what you want to do.