Welcome to my Github.
I specialize in developing data and AI systems for ecommerce.
Interests inculde: React, Swift, Machine Learning, NLP and Brain/Bio technology. Yes, that is a wide range of interest but they are all a means to help humans be more helpful to each other and the environment.
I have experience developing specialized ecommerce experiences. My latest work involved deploying Reaction Commerce with item configuration features. This was deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
I have a keen intrest in connections and graphs. On a higher level of abstraction, graphs allow us to organize and find insight in large amounts of data. On a more concrete level, graph databases have been part of my ecommerce projects.
I have a fasincation with programming languages. Specifically the Lisp family of languages. More generally with the design and trade offs which ultimately lead to the language's user experince.
I also enjoy functional programming and types. Those both allow me to create safer and easier to maintain code.
My favorites text editor is Emacs but I also enjoy modal editors like Vim. Ultimately I like to combine each of them, whether that be through Spacemacs or custom configurations such as with Hammerspoon.
I also have an interest in mathematics and physics. I find beautiful that equations can describe the world quite accurately and belive that computers can help us understand not just the physical world but also the world of mathematics.
My favorite tools include Amazing Marvin and Obsidian.md.
My programming focus currently is Clojure and Elm. My aim is to learn different ways to make web apps. Additionally I am learning and practicing UI design to be able to make my projects pleasing to use.
I also have an interest in cryptocurrencies, particullary its use in incentivicing positive behaviors. This use of cryptocurrencies could potentially be used to counter the negative effects of engagement based algorithms.
Outside of work I have several interest I'm actively pursing. I am an avid cyclist and enjoy training. I especially enjoy systemizing my training and experimenting with technologies such as heart rate monitors and power meters.