Welcome to WorstBuy! Worstbuy is a fullstack application clone, inspired by a mixture of Bestbuy and Target. Create a user, add items to the cart, add some reviews, and shop for some of the "worst" products you can buy!
Live site: https://worstbuy.onrender.com/
App Academy January 2023 Cohort
This is my second solo project and my capstone project. In order to graduate, I needed to create two full CRUD features. I chose my two features to be the ability to create, read, update, and delete for reviews and for cart.
Throughout this process, I learned many new skills and gained a better understanding of Python and React/Redux throughout this process.
- In the beginning of the project, I was querying my routes for the things I needed in my get All Products Route instead of utilizing Python's full potential of creating relationships. I didn't utilize Python's relationship in the models as I should have.
- My state management for some of my features changed throughout my project as in the beginning, I tried to use one thunk to grab everything I needed. I learned that this method is not great as it would send a fetch request to my backend database for information that I did not need. As I started to understand and learn more, I was able to use my redux store state properly.
- I learned that planning is very important before starting a whole project. When starting a new project, having a game plan to execute is needed in order to finish strong! 💪🏻
- Imgur
- Paint.js
- Photopea
- Implement more features and additionals to project:
- Full CRUD for Products (Admin Access only)
- Full CRUD for Saved Items
- Implement AWS for picture adding
- Search Bar for finding products
- Category Tabs for finding products according to product type
- Implement a Google API for grabbing nearest stores
- Implement to add comments to reviews
- Implement a helpful/unhelpful button
- Implement an automated bot for helping users with question
- For non-logged in users, add the ability to still add items to the cart
- A checkout page where users can get a real life feeling of checking out products.
- Refactor my code to make it easier for others to read
- More CSS!