ElasticKube is an open source management platform for Kubernetes with the goal of providing a self-service experience for containerized applications.
Kubernetes ( is ready to serve your production workloads. ElasticKube provides the processes to manage Kubernetes workloads for complex organizations.
We designed ElasticKube with the following principles in mind:
- non opinionated: unrestricted kubernetes experience
- standardized: works in any kubernetes cluster
- stateless: lifecycle and state is always stored in kubernetes
- integrated: git, jenkins, sso authentication
ElastiKube runs as a containerized application inside your Kubernetes cluster. To deploy ElasticKube the only requirement is access to a terminal with kubectl
To install ElasticKube execute the following command:
curl -s | bash
If you cluster kube-system namespace does not have a kubernetes service and a service account use the unsecure url by adding the -u
curl -s | bash -s -- -u http://<kube-apiserver>:8080
For example the default Azure scripts name the kube-api server 'kube-00', to deploy in such environment use the following command:
curl -s | bash -s -- -u http://kube-00:8080
Once ElasticKube is installed, please complete the onboarding process using the load balancer IP address produced by the installation script.