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Phraseanet API PHP-SDK

License Packagist Travis Scrutinizer Coverage Scrutinizer Packagist

The Phraseanet PHP SDK is an OO library to interact with Phraseanet API.


The recommended way to install Phraseanet PHP SDK is through composer.

composer require phraseanet/php-sdk:^0.9

Basic Usage

Create the application

Here is the minimum to create the Phraseanet SDK Application ; please note that client client-id, url and secret a required. Please refer to the online documentation to get more more information about generating those.

$app = PhraseanetSDK\Application::create(array(
    'client-id' => '409ee2762ff49ce936b2ca6e5413607a',
    'secret'    => 'f53ea9b0da92e45f9bbba67439654ac3',
    'url'       => '', // Phraseanet install URI

Getting an oauth token

Once the application is created, a token is required to query the API. There are two ways :

Developer token

The developer token can be retrieved from Phraseanet developer application panel (My account > developer > applications).

OAuth2 authentication flow

Phraseanet SDK provides a convenient way to retrieve an oauth token. Use the OAuth2Connector for that :

  • Redirect the end user to the Phraseanet authorization URL :
// Must be identical to the redirect URI set in your Oauth application configuration in Phraseanet.
$redirectUri = '';
$connector = $app->getOauth2Connector();
$url = $connector->getAuthorizationUrl($redirectUri);

Note that extra parameters can be passed to the getAuthorizationUrl method. Please refer to the online documentation about available parameters.

  • Retrieve an access token in your application callback :
$connector = $app->getOauth2Connector();
$token = $connector->retrieveAccessToken($code, $redirectUri);

Once you have the token, you can use the EntityManager.

Use the EntityManager

The EntityManager is the entry point to retrieve Phraseanet entities.

$em = $app->getEntityManager($token);

$query = $em->getRepository('Record')->search(array(
    'query'        => 'animals',
    'offset_start' => 0,
    'per_page'     => 20,
    'bases'        => array(1, 4),
    'record_type'  => 'image'

echo $query->getTotalResults() . " items found in " . $query->getQueryTime() . " seconds\n";

foreach($query->getResults() as $record) {
    echo "Record " . $record->getTitle() . "\n".
    foreach ($record->getSubdefs() as $subdef) {
        echo "subdef ". $subdef->getName() ." has URL " . $subdef->getPermalink()->getUrl() . "\n";

Uploading files to Phraseanet

Files can be uploaded to Phraseanet using the uploader instance exposed via the Application object:

$uploader = $app->getUploader($token);

$result = $uploader->upload('/path/to/file.jpg', $base_id);

if ($result instanceof PhraseanetSDK\Entity\Record) {
    // record has been created
} elseif ($result instanceof PhraseanetSDK\Entity\Quarantine) {
    // record has been quarantined

$base_id can be either a base_id value or a PhraseanetSDK\Entity\DataboxCollection entity.

Please note that you can force the behavior with the third argument and pass a Phraseanet record status (binary string) as fourth argument :

$result = $loader->upload('/path/to/file.jpg', $base_id, $behavior, '1011000');

Behavior can be either :

  • 0 to force record
  • 1 to force quarantine
  • null to let Phraseanet check (default behavior)


Extended API Response format

The Phraseanet API (v1.4.1) can provide extended Response format for Record Object.

In this case all relations to Record object (permalink, sub-definitions, caption, status) are included in the response.

The result is that with this feature you need only one request to populate a whole Record object instead of five.

The time to hydrate record object is slightly higher but is ridiculously tiny compared to the time spent over HTTP protocol to fetch relations data.

$app = PhraseanetSDK\Application::create(array(
    'client-id' => '409ee2762ff49ce936b2ca6e5413607a',
    'secret'    => 'f53ea9b0da92e45f9bbba67439654ac3',
    'url'       => ''

$token = '899ee278736b2an6bs786e541ajk8';

// activate globally

// activate for current entity manager
$em = $app->getEntityManager($token);


Request can be logged for monitor or debug purpose by setting a PSR Logger in the configuration. See

See for log plugin configuration

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

class QueryLogger extends LoggerInterface
use PhraseanetSDK\Application;
use Guzzle\Log\PsrLogAdapter;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin;

$client = Application::create(array(
    'client-id' => '409ee2762ff49ce936b2ca6e5413607a',
    'secret'    => 'f53ea9b0da92e45f9bbba67439654ac3',
    'url'       => ''
), array(new LogPlugin(new PsrLogAdapter(new QueryLogger())));


For performance, it is strongly recommended to use a cache system. This can be easily done using the following configuration.

See for cache plugin configuration.

use PhraseanetSDK\Application;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;
use Guzzle\Cache\DoctrineCacheAdapter;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\CachePlugin;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultCacheStorage;

$cachePlugin = new CachePlugin(array(
    'storage' => new DefaultCacheStorage(
        new DoctrineCacheAdapter(
            new FilesystemCache('/path/to/cache/files')

$client = Application::create(
        'client-id' => '409ee2762ff49ce936b2ca6e5413607a',
        'secret'    => 'f53ea9b0da92e45f9bbba67439654ac3',
        'url'       => '',
    ), array($cachePlugin));

Silex Provider

A Silex provider is bundled within this package.

Basic usage

$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new PhraseanetSDK\PhraseanetSDKServiceProvider(), array(
    // required
    'sdk.config' => array(
        'client-id' => $clientId, // Your client id
        'secret'    => $secret, // You client secret
        'url'       => $url, // The ur of the phraseanet instance where you have created your application
    // optional
    'cache.config' => array(
        'type' => 'array', // can be 'array', 'memcache' or 'memcached'. Default value is 'array'.
        // options for memcache(d) cache type
        'options' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => '11211'
        'ttl'  => '3600', // cache TTL in seconds. Default value is '3600'.
        'revalidation' => null, // cache re-validation strategy can be null, 'skip' or 'deny' or an object that implements 'Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\RevalidationInterface'
                                // Default value is null.
                                // skip : never performs cache re-validation and just assumes the request is still ok
                                // deny : never performs cache re-validation and just assumes the request is invalid
                                // The default strategy if null is provided is to follow HTTP RFC. see
                                // and
        'can_cache' => null,    // can cache strategy can be null or an object that implements 'Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\CanCacheStrategyInterface'
        'key_provider' => null, // key provider strategy can be null or an object that implements 'Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\CacheKeyProviderInterface'
    'recorder.enabled' => false, // Enabled recorder
    'recorder.config' => array(
        'type' => 'file', // specified type of storage can be 'file', 'memcache' or 'memcached'. Default value is file
        'options' => array(
            'file' => '/path/to/file', // specified path to the file to write data, if specified type is file
            'host' => '', // specified host to the memcache(d) server , if specified type is memcache or memcached
            'port' => '33', // specified port to the memcache(d) server, if specified type is memcache or memcached
        'limit' => 1000, // specified limit of request to store

Record / Play requests


Recorder can be enabled per requests through service provider using the following code :

$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new PhraseanetSDK\PhraseanetSDKServiceProvider(), array(
    'sdk.config' => array(
        'client-id' => $clientId,
        'secret'    => $secret,
        'url'       => $url,
    'recorder.enabled' => true,
    'recorder.config' => array(
        'type' => 'memcached',
        'options' => array(
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 11211,
        'limit' => 5000 // record up to 5000 requests

Requests can be store either in memcache, memcached or file. To use file, configuration should look like :

$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new PhraseanetSDK\PhraseanetSDKServiceProvider(), array(
    'recorder.config' => array(
        'type' => 'memcached',
        'options' => array(
            'host' => '', 
            'port' => '/path/to/file',
        'limit' => 5000 // record up to 5000 requests


To replay stored requests, use the player

$player = $app['phraseanet-sdk.player.factory']($token);

Please note that, in order to play request without using cache (to warm it for example), you must use the deny cache re-validation strategy :

$app->register(new PhraseanetSDK\PhraseanetSDKServiceProvider(), array(
    'sdk.config' => array(
        'client-id' => $clientId,
        'secret' => $secret,
        'url' => $url,
    'cache.config' = array(
        'revalidation' => 'deny',  // important


SDK provides a tool to monitor Phraseanet :

$monitor = $app->getMonitor($token);
$scheduler = $monitor->getScheduler();

echo sprintf("Scheduler state is %s", $scheduler->getState());


Phraseanet SDK is released under the MIT license.