The goal of this program is to test the speeds of different programs both by looking at programs individually, or comparing them between each other.
Logically, there is a timer and a program object.
The timer objects are designed in a tree structure (to time different subroutines of the programs).
The program object runs a program and tracks its main timer.
The current way to install is to clone and run
git clone
cd Perf
python install
perftracker has different command line options:
-n name
-o output folder
-i number of iterations per program (times are averaged)
-v generate valgrind output
-g generate example config file
-f config file (listig out the programs to compare)
-p program to run (overrides any config file and assumes only one program is being tested)
Everything gets outputted to the output folder under the name.
For example, all the data will be written to ./output_folder/name/
Within this folder, there are subfolders for every program being tested, and one for the comparisons.