thyme plane is a PWA created with vue.js & buefy for making time entry and calculation easier. Adding clients, adding projects, and time for each project is simple. Then doing monthly calculations with filters by client and project makes creating reports a cinch.
make new branch
clone repository (i.e.):
git clone
make changes
submit changes
submit pull request
npm install
npm run serve
First set up a Firebase rtdb.
- Rules
{ "rules": { ".read": "auth.uid !== null && data.child('users').child(auth.uid) !== null", ".write": "auth.uid !== null && data.child('users').child(auth.uid) !== null" } }
- Add Authorized User and make user in Database with same UID (so above rules work)
Then copy the .env.sample to .env
Add the appropriate variables to the .env file.
You may need to add the appropriate tables as well.
npm run build
npm run test
TODO: write tests
npm run lint
npm run deploy
- You can also make your own
script - or use the one provided with your own surge account
- add your domain to /public/CNAME
See vue.js CLI Configuration Reference.
Code released under MIT license.
- Version 0.5.0
Try it out here
- Easy-T0-Guess-Passw0rds
- notify about issues here
- or directly on discord: