1 . Intro
2 . Technology Stack
3 . API
3 . Run With Docker
Globon lets you interact with the world map and locate areas of interest after applying filters. For example, you can visualize the countries of the world within a specific population range, locate administrative capitals of a specific country, learn about different regions of the world, and a lot more.
Back-End --> Python with Django
Front-End --> Vue.js
Database --> PostgreSQL
Front-End hosting --> Vercel
Back-End hosting --> Render
The project uses Leaflet.js for map rendering and interaction.
The web application provides both REST and GraphQL endpoints that you can use for your own project.
They are available here:
docker-compose up
After the three containers are launched successfully, navigate to:
localhost:5173 to use Globon!
localhost:8000/swagger to access the RESTful endpoints
localhost:8000/graphql to access the GraphQL endpoint