edgesets: list of sets. the s-th set contains all the edges (i,j) in the s-th network in the sample (do not include the other direction (j,i) if network is undirected).
the order of edgesets within D only matters for contiguous clustering, where we want the edgesets to be in order of the samples in time
N: number of nodes in each network
K0: initial number of clusters (for discontiguous clustering, usually K0 = 1 works well; for contiguous clustering it doesn't matter)
n_fails: number of failed reassign/merge/split/merge-split moves before terminating algorithm
bipartite: 'None' for unipartite network populations, array [# of nodes of type 1, # of nodes of type 2] otherwise
directed: Set to True when sets of edges input are directed
max_runs: Maximum number of allowed moves, independent of number of failed moves
Outputs of 'run_sims' (unconstrained description length optimization) and 'dynamic_contiguous' (restriction to contiguous clusters):
C: dictionary with items (cluster label):(set of indices corresponding to networks in cluster)
A: dictionary with items (cluster label):(set of edges corresponding to mode of cluster)
L: inverse compression ratio (description length after clustering)/(description length of naive transmission)
For discontiguous clustering, use:
MDLobj = MDL_populations(edgesets,N,K0,n_fails,bipartite,directed,max_runs)
C,A,L = MDLobj.run_sims()
For contiguous clustering, use:
MDLobj = MDL_populations(edgesets,N,K0=(anything),n_fails=(anything),bipartite,directed)
C,A,L = MDLobj.dynamic_contiguous()
If you use this algorithm please cite:
A. Kirkley, A. Rojas, M. Rosvall, and J-G. Young, Compressing network populations with modal networks reveals structural diversity. Communications Physics 6, 148 (2023).