- How to install/configure #
First of all you’ll need last emacs. In case you’re on Ubuntu, you’re able to get it from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-elisp/+archive/ppa. (Remove any Emacses you have installed before installing .deb ‘emacs23’)
Make sure you’ve installed .deb packages:
1. emacs-goodies-el
2. emacs23-el
3. exuberant-ctags (optional, unless you want to use TAGS for quick navigation)
4. ispell (optional, unless you want spell checking)
1. Clone the repo to the ‘~/.emacs.d’
2. `cd ~/.emacs.d`
3. `git submodule update —init`
4. install nxhtml mode like described here: http://ourcomments.org/Emacs/nXhtml/doc/nxhtml.html to ~/.emacs.d/plugins/nxhtml
4. run emacs
5. enjoy or contact me if anything wrong