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C++ implementation of neural network class.



  • C++17 compiler.
  • CMake 3.22.0
  • GoogleTest 1.11.0
  • Eigen 3


class NeuralNetwork {
  explicit NeuralNetwork(std::size_t numberOfInputs);


  std::vector<double> computeOutputs(const std::vector<double> &inputs);

  void addLayer(options::LayerConfig config);

  TrainingReport train(options::TrainingConfig config,
                       const TrainingBatch &batch);


namespace options {
enum class ActivationFunctionType { Step, Linear, Relu, Sigmoid, TanH };
enum class CostFunctionType { Quadratic, CostEntropy };
enum class OptimizationType { GradientDescend, ADAM, SGD };

struct LayerConfig {
  std::size_t numberOfNeurons;
  options::ActivationFunctionType activationFunction;

struct TrainingConfig {
  options::OptimizationType optimization;
  options::CostFunctionType costFunction;
  std::size_t maxEpoch;
  double learnRate;
  double lossGoal;

Build and test

  • Install dependencies.
    sudo apt-get update;
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev;
    sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
  • Clone the repository.
    git clone
    cd neural-network
  • Build.
    cmake -S . -B build
    cmake --build build
  • Run tests.


    class C_0004723107453516162687["options::ActivationFunctionType"]
    class C_0004723107453516162687 {
    class C_0005819293835413443314["options::CostFunctionType"]
    class C_0005819293835413443314 {
    class C_0006489356659787961387["options::OptimizationType"]
    class C_0006489356659787961387 {
    class C_0005162987213334549566["options::LayerConfig"]
    class C_0005162987213334549566 {
        +numberOfNeurons : std::size_t
    class C_0009990744508583239417["options::TrainingConfig"]
    class C_0009990744508583239417 {
        +learnRate : double
        +lossGoal : double
        +maxEpoch : std::size_t
    class C_0017517293265978054845["Layer"]
    class C_0017517293265978054845 {
        +errors() : [const] const Eigen::VectorXd &
        +id() : [const] std::size_t
        +inputs() : [const] const Eigen::VectorXd &
        +loss() : [const] double
        +numberOfInputs() : [const] std::size_t
        +numberOfNeurons() : [const] std::size_t
        +outputs() : [const] const Eigen::VectorXd &
        +updateErrors(const Layer & nextLayer) : void
        +updateErrorsAndLoss(const Eigen::VectorXd & targets, const CostFunction & costFunction) : void
        +updateOutputs(const Eigen::VectorXd & inputs) : void
        +updateWeights(double learnRate) : void
        +updateWeights(const Eigen::MatrixXd & gradients, double learnRate) : void
        +weights() : [const] const Eigen::MatrixXd &
        -m_errors : Eigen::VectorXd
        -m_id : const std::size_t
        -m_inputs : Eigen::VectorXd
        -m_loss : double
        -m_numberOfInputs : const std::size_t
        -m_numberOfNeurons : const std::size_t
        -m_outputDerivatives : Eigen::VectorXd
        -m_outputs : Eigen::VectorXd
        -m_weights : Eigen::MatrixXd
    class C_0016029915442214150756["ActivationFunction"]
    class C_0016029915442214150756 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double*
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double*
    class C_0013578780095480796457["StepActivationFunction"]
    class C_0013578780095480796457 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double
    class C_0011078890997464044819["LinearActivationFunction"]
    class C_0011078890997464044819 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double
    class C_0002817530414547552801["ReluActivationFunction"]
    class C_0002817530414547552801 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double
    class C_0011953039370874830196["SigmoidActivationFunction"]
    class C_0011953039370874830196 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double
    class C_0000064153189652549417["TanHActivationFunction"]
    class C_0000064153189652549417 {
        +operator()(double input) : [const] double
        +derivative(double input) : [const] double
    class C_0018195103025728394851["CostFunction"]
    class C_0018195103025728394851 {
        +operator()(double value, double target) : [const] double*
        +derivative(double value, double target) : [const] double*
    class C_0015216133785148867685["QuadraticCostFunction"]
    class C_0015216133785148867685 {
        +operator()(double value, double target) : [const] double
        +derivative(double value, double target) : [const] double
    class C_0016477597730260498529["CostEntropyCostFunction"]
    class C_0016477597730260498529 {
        +operator()(double value, double target) : [const] double
        +derivative(double value, double target) : [const] double
    class C_0014877256980872623468["OptimizationAlgorithm"]
    class C_0014877256980872623468 {
        #afterEpoch() : void
        #afterSample() : void
        #backwardPropagate(const std::vector&lt;double&gt; & outputs) : void
        #forwardPropagate(const std::vector&lt;double&gt; & inputs) : void
        #preprocess(TrainingBatch & batch) : [const] void
        +run(TrainingBatch batch, std::size_t maxEpoch, double learnRate, double lossGoal) : TrainingReport
        #m_epochCount : std::size_t
        #m_learnRate : double
        #m_loss : double
        #m_sampleCount : std::size_t
    class C_0011803148689591493735["GradientDescendOptimizationAlgorithm"]
    class C_0011803148689591493735 {
        -afterEpoch() : void
        -afterSample() : void
        -m_averageGradients : std::vector&lt;Eigen::MatrixXd&gt;
    class C_0004972352846766595368["TrainingBatch"]
    class C_0004972352846766595368 {
    class C_0006869410385549763069["TrainingReport"]
    class C_0006869410385549763069 {
    class C_0016902125101895250401["NeuralNetwork"]
    class C_0016902125101895250401 {
        +addLayer(options::LayerConfig config) : void
        +computeOutputs(const std::vector&lt;double&gt; & inputs) : std::vector&lt;double&gt;
        +train(options::TrainingConfig config, const TrainingBatch & batch) : TrainingReport
        -m_numberOfInputs : const std::size_t
        -m_numberOfOutputs : std::size_t
    class C_0016586572411026969904["TrainingSample"]
    class C_0016586572411026969904 {
        +inputs : std::vector&lt;double&gt;
        +outputs : std::vector&lt;double&gt;
    class C_0009936346703037128794["SGDOptimizationAlgorithm"]
    class C_0009936346703037128794 {
        -afterSample() : void
    class C_0012912509499042389263["ADAMOptimizationAlgorithm"]
    class C_0012912509499042389263 {
        -afterSample() : void
        -computeGradients(std::size_t layerId) : Eigen::MatrixXd
        -m_momentEstimates : std::vector&lt;Eigen::MatrixX&lt;std::pair&lt;double,double&gt;&gt;&gt;
    C_0005162987213334549566 o-- C_0004723107453516162687 : +activationFunction
    C_0009990744508583239417 o-- C_0006489356659787961387 : +optimization
    C_0009990744508583239417 o-- C_0005819293835413443314 : +costFunction
    C_0017517293265978054845 o-- C_0016029915442214150756 : -m_activationFunction
    C_0016029915442214150756 <|-- C_0013578780095480796457 : 
    C_0016029915442214150756 <|-- C_0011078890997464044819 : 
    C_0016029915442214150756 <|-- C_0002817530414547552801 : 
    C_0016029915442214150756 <|-- C_0011953039370874830196 : 
    C_0016029915442214150756 <|-- C_0000064153189652549417 : 
    C_0018195103025728394851 <|-- C_0015216133785148867685 : 
    C_0018195103025728394851 <|-- C_0016477597730260498529 : 
    C_0014877256980872623468 --> C_0017517293265978054845 : #m_layers
    C_0014877256980872623468 o-- C_0018195103025728394851 : #m_costFunction
    C_0014877256980872623468 <|-- C_0011803148689591493735 : 
    C_0016902125101895250401 o-- C_0017517293265978054845 : -m_layers
    C_0014877256980872623468 <|-- C_0009936346703037128794 : 
    C_0014877256980872623468 <|-- C_0012912509499042389263 : 

%% Generated with clang-uml, version 0.6.0
%% LLVM version Ubuntu clang version 15.0.7



List of Symbols

$\large s$ = sample
$\large S$ = number of samples in training batch
$\large l$ = layer
$\large L$ = number of layers
$\large n_l$ = neuron at layer l
$\large N_l$ = number of neurons in layer l
$\large w_{n_{l-1}n_l}$ = weight between neurons $n_{l-1}$ and $n_l$
$\large b_{n_l}$ = bias of neuron $n_l$
$\large z_{n_l}$ = intermediate quantity of neuron $n_l$
$\large y_{n_l}$ = output of neuron $n_l$
$\large \hat y_{n_l}$ = target output of neuron $n_l$
$\large E_{n_l}$ = error at neuron $n_l$
$\large A_{n_l}$ = activation function at neuron $n_l$ {Binary Step, Linear, ReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh...}
$\large C$ = cost function {MSE, SSE, WSE, NSE...}
$\large O$ = optimization Algorithm {Gradient Descend, ADAM, Quasi Newton Method...}
$\large α$ = learning rate

Neuron Equations

Neuron Intermediate Quantity:

$$ \large z_{n_l} = \sum_{n_{l-1}}^{N_{l-1}}(w_{n_{l-1}n_l} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} + b_{n_l}) $$

Neuron Output:

$$ \large y_{n_l} = A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) $$


Errors of the network are reduced by an optimization algorithm $O$ that uses the derivatives of the cost function ${\partial C}/{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}$ and ${\partial C}/{\partial {b_{n_l}}}$ to periodically update the network weights and biases.

$$ \large \Delta w_{n_{l-1}n_l} = - α \cdot O\big(\frac {\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}\big) $$

$$ \large \Delta b_{n_l} = - α \cdot O\big(\frac {\partial C}{\partial {b_{n_l}}}\big) $$

Chain Rule:

$$ \large \frac {\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial z_{n_l}}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial y_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial y_{n_l}}{\partial z_{n_l}} \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} = \dot C\big(y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l}\big) \cdot \dot A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) \cdot y_{n_{l-1}} $$

$$ \large \frac {\partial C}{\partial {b_{n_l}}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial z_{n_l}} = \frac{\partial C}{\partial y_{n_l}} \cdot \frac{\partial y_{n_l}}{\partial z_{n_l}} = \dot C\big(y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l}\big) \cdot \dot A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) $$


The terms $\dot C (y_{n_l} \hat y_{n_l})$ depend on the output target value for each neuron $\hat y_{n_l}$. Training data set only counts on the value of $\hat y_{n_l}$ for the last layer $l = L$. For all previous layers $l &lt; L$, components $\dot C ( y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l})$ are computed as a weighted sum of the neuron errors previously calculated at the next layer $E_{n_{l+1}}$ :

$$ \large \dot C \big( y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l} \big) = \sum_{n_{l+1}}^{N_{l+1}} w_{n_{l}n_{l+1}} \cdot E_{n_{l+1}} $$

Neuron error $E_{n_l}$ is defined as:

$$ \large E_{n_l} = \dot C\big(y_{n_l}, \hat y_{n_l}\big) \cdot \dot A_{n_l}\big(z_{n_l}\big) $$

Activation Function

Binary Step:


$$ \large \begin{split}A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} 1 & z ≥ 0 \\ 0 & z < 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 0 $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = z $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 1 $$



$$ \large \begin{split}A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} z & z > 0 \\ 0 & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$

$$ \large \begin{split}\dot A \big(z\big) = \begin{Bmatrix} 1 & z > 0 \\ 0 & z ≤ 0 \end{Bmatrix}\end{split} $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = \frac{1} {1 + e^{-z}} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = A(z) \cdot (1-A(z)) $$



$$ \large A \big(z\big) = \frac{e^{z} - e^{-z}}{e^{z} + e^{-z}} $$

$$ \large \dot A \big(z\big) = 1 - {A(z)}^2 $$

Cost Function

Quadratic Cost:

$$\large C\big(y, \hat y\big) = 1/2 \cdot {\big(y - \hat y\big)^{\small 2}}$$

$$\large\dot C\big(y, \hat y\big) = \big(y - \hat y\big)$$

Cross Entropy Cost:

$$ \large C\big(y, \hat y\big) = -\big({\hat y} \text{ ln } y + (1 - {\hat y}) \cdot \text{ ln }(1-y)\big) $$

$$ \large \dot C\big(y, \hat y\big) = \frac{y - \hat y}{(1-y) \cdot y} $$

Optimization Algorithm

Gradient Descend:

Network parameters are updated after every epoch.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} $$

Stochastic Gradient Descend:

Network parameters updated after every sample.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} $$

Adaptive Moment Estimation:

Network parameters updated after every sample.

$$ \large O \big( \frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}} \big) = \frac{m_t}{\sqrt{v_t}+\epsilon} $$


$$ \large m_t = \beta_1 \cdot m_{t-1} + (1+\beta_1) \cdot \big( \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} \big) $$

$$ \large v_t = \beta_2 \cdot v_{t-1} + (1+\beta_2) \cdot \big( \frac{1}{S} \cdot \sum_{s}^S{\frac{\partial C}{\partial {w_{n_{l-1}n_l}}}} \big) $$

where typically:

$$ \large m_0 = 0 $$

$$ \large v_0 = 0 $$

$$ \large \epsilon = 1/10^{\small 8} $$

$$ \large \beta_1 = 0.9 $$

$$ \large \beta_2 = 0.999 $$
