nosim github
This project is only a proof of concept and for educational use only! Do not try to recreate or use. I will not be held esponsible for your actions.
📱 NoSim is a mobile phone jammer, disrupting the communication between the phone and the cell-phone base station
Nosim transmits the same radio frequencies as the cel phone, distrupting the communication between the phone and the cel phone base station in the tower
Spot a problem or want to improve this project? You can open an issue here. You can notify me about the bug or even fix it yourself and push a pull request if you want to.
- Improve the board. Make it even smaller, easier and cheaper to make
- Make a 3D printed case
- Improve the signal strenght
- Maybe add battery and charging feature
- Copy, edit, and share any of these themes.
- Licensed as GNU General Public License v3.0 and free forever.