This is a simple library written in Java for creating a Rock-Paper-Scissors alike command line game.
How to build Type 'mvn clean install' to build target/rockpaperscissors-1.0.jar'
How to run Type 'java -jar rockpaperscissors-1.0.jar' to run the game. The Main class file is 'RockPaperScissors.class'.
How to play The following commands are available to type in command line:
rock Throw Rock
paper Throw Paper
scissors Throw Scissors
mode playerVsComputer Play versus Computer.
mode computerVsComputer Watch how one Computer plays instead of you versus another Computer. You can just press to see one more round.
reset Reset all the counters and get to the initial state.
quit Quit the game.
How to extend To create a new weapon, create a class inherited from AbstractWeapon and pass an instance in the GameModel constructor. Override the bittenBy method to specify the behavior of the weapon.
To create a new command, create a class inherited from AbstractCommand and pass an instance in the GameModel constructor. Override the execute method to specify the functionality.