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Aleksander Parchomenko edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 4 revisions

Simple mapping

When properties you want to map have the same names in target and source objects mark mapping interface with MapperAttribute and that's it:

public interface INotesMapper
    NoteDto MapToDto(NoteDao source);

It will generate mapping class with default class name NotesMapper for properties that names are the same for NoteDto and NoteDao classes.

Define names

When the names are different than use Source and Target names of the properties in the MappingAttribute:

[Mapper(ClassName = "UserMapper")]
public interface IUserMapper
    [Mapping(Source = nameof(UserDao.FirstName), Target = nameof(UserInfo.Name))]
    UserInfo MapToDomainMoodel(UserDao userDao);       

It will genetare us mapper class UserMapper according to ClassName = "UserMapper" code.

Embedded objects

In a case when mapped object contains another objects, e.g.:

public class NoteDto
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public NoteDocumentDto Document { get; set; }


public class NoteDao
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public string PageTitle { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public NoteDocumentDao Document { get; set; }

add mapping method to mapper interface for these types and the code generation processor will match and generate mappings for NoteDto MapToDto(NoteDao source) method:

public interface INotesMapper
    [Mapping(Source = nameof(NoteDao.PageTitle), Target = nameof(NoteDto.Title))]
    NoteDto MapToDto(NoteDao source);

    [Mapping(Source = nameof(NoteDocumentDao.Metadata.CreatorFirstName), Target = nameof(NoteDocumentDto.Autor))]
    NoteDocumentDto MapToDto(NoteDocumentDao source);

Mapping collections

We have a couple of possibilities to map objects that contain collections. For example mapping UserDao:

public class UserDao
    public long UserId { get; set; }
    public AddressDao[] UserAddresses { get; set; }

to UserInfo

public class UserInfo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public Address[] Addresses { get; set; }

can be achieved using abstract class mapper:

[Mapper(ClassName = "UserDataMapper")]
public abstract class UserMapper
    [Mapping(Source = nameof(UserDao.UserAddresses), Target = nameof(UserInfo.Addresses), Expression = nameof(ConvertAddresses))]
    [Mapping(Source = nameof(UserDao.UserId), Target = nameof(UserInfo.Id), Expression = nameof(ConvertUserId))]
    public abstract UserInfoWithArray MapToDomainModel(UserWithArrayDao userWithArrayDao);

    protected Address[] ConvertAddresses(AddressDao[] addresses)
        return addresses.Select(a => MapAddress(a)).ToArray();
    protected static int ConvertUserId(long id)
        return Convert.ToInt32(id);

    public abstract Address MapAddress(AddressDao addressDao);

or using interface mapper and overriding mappings in inherited class:

[Mapper(ClassName = "UserMapperBase")]
public interface IUserMapper
     [Mapping(Source = nameof(UserDao.FirstName), Target = nameof(UserInfo.Name))]
     UserInfo MapToDomainModel(UserDao userDao);

     Address MapAddress(AddressDao addressDao);

     Region MapRegion(RegionDao regionDao);

public class UserMapper: UserMapperBase
     public override UserInfo MapToDomainModel(UserDao userDao)
         var result = base.MapToDomainModel(userDao);
         result.Addresses = userDao.UserAddresses.Select(addressDao => base.MapAddress(addressDao)).ToArray();
         return result;

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