The website lists people working on the Nano protocol or related projects. The goal is to increase the visibility of developers accepting donations. If you are currently working on Nano related projects, submit a PR to get yourself added!
If you are currently working on Nano related projects or actively contributing to the Nano eco-system, submit a PR with your info as seen here. Only running a Nano node will not qualify.
Just append your-name.json to the bottom, the list is shuffled on page load.
You can use Markdown in the description
Name, description and nano_account is mandatory but you can leave any of the other fields blank. The sponsor_link can for example be a link to your Github sponsor page, Patreon or other means of Donation / Sponsorhip. An example of such link:
Tags is used to filter participants on the site. Please compare with others first, or find inspiration on the original site.
Node.js is a prerequisite, the dependencies are managed via npm. Linux is recommended but WSL under windows works too. Once you have cloned this repo, you can setup the packages:
npm install
Create a build and rebuild on file change:
npm start
This will bring up the dev server and pattern library on localhost:3000. Any changes you make will be updated instantly in the browser.
Special thanks to the original project: