Vim syntax plugin specifically targetting CommonMark using the pulldown-cmark parser to inform the highlighting. Because the syntax is not cobbled together from regular expressions but informed by a real parser it will only ever highlight 100% valid CommonMark syntax (no false positives!).
Defaults options are for strict CommonMark mode, but some extensions are also available (footnotes, tables, task lists, strikethrough).
" Enable all available extensions
let g:commonmark#extentions#all = 1
Alternatively you can enable just the extensions you want:
" Enable specific extension(s)
let g:commonmark#extensions = [ "footnotes", "strikethrough" ]
- Neovim (Support for VIM8 would be possible, contributions welcome) with Lua support
- Rust build toolchain (during development, binaries may be provided later)
- GNU Make (during development, to be replaced by VimL install function later)
Using vim-plug
:Plug 'alerque/vim-commonmark', {'do': 'make'}
...or manually after installing via your usual method, run make
from the plugin directory.