ATmega32 tested on Arduino IDE v1.5.5
Before burn your sketch on the ATmega32, burn the BOOTLOADER. This will only set the right fuses to use different clock configs
There is no Bootloader on this version. I am using an USBASP to program the sketches directly to the Mega32.
"Installing" ATmega32 on Arduino
- Close the Arduino IDE (all instances).
- Copy the mega32 folder to the Sketchbook \hardware folder. If one does not exist create it.
- Start the Arduino IDE.
- Select ATmega32 as your Board
- Select Clock 2MHz (Internal), 4MHz (Internal) or 8MHz (Internal) or 16MHz (External Cristal) from the Tools->Clock menu.
- Now, you can compile any standard project.
Pin Numbers
(XCK/T0) D0 PB0 01| |40 PA0 AI7 D31 (ADC0)
(T1) D1 PB1 02| |39 PA1 AI6 D30 (ADC1)
(INT2/AIN0) D2 PB2 03| |38 PA2 AI5 D29 (ADC2)
(OC0/AIN1) D3 PB3 04| |37 PA3 AI4 D28 (ADC3)
(SS) D4 PB4 05| |36 PA4 AI3 D27 (ADC4)
(MOSI) D5 PB5 06| |35 PA5 AI2 D26 (ADC5)
(MISO) D6 PB6 07| |34 PA6 AI1 D25 (ADC6)
(SCK) D7 PB7 08| |33 PA7 AI0 D24 (ADC7)
RESET 09| |32 AREF
VCC 10| |31 GND
GND 11| |30 AVCC
XTAL2 12| |29 PC7 D23 (TOSC2)
XTAL1 13| |28 PC6 D22 (TOSC1)
(RXD) D8 PD0 14| |27 PC5 D21 (TDI)
(TXD) D9 PD1 15| |26 PC4 D20 (TDO)
(INT0) D10 PD2 16| |25 PC3 D19 (TMS)
(INT1) D11 PD3 17| |24 PC2 D18 (TCK)
(OC1B) D12 PD4 18| |23 PC1 D17 (SDA)
(OC1A) D13 PD5 19| |22 PC0 D16 (SCL)
(ICP1) D14 PD6 20| |21 PD7 D15 (OC2)
Fuse Calculator
2 Do
Discover how to override the avrdude call in the platform.txt. I tried but it's not working.