Flightset is a flight booking web application that helps travellers find flights to their desired destinations. The application can be accessed via this link: Flightset
An anonymous user is not required to register or sign in to perform functions. This user has access to the following functions:
* Search for and filter flights by "Origin", "Destination", "No of Passengers" and "Departure Date"
* Select and book a preferred flights from the matching options presented
* Receive a booking confirmation email after booking a flight successfully
* Search for booking details by the unique booking reference number
A registered user can:
* View all past bookings on his/her dashboard
* Manage past bookings including editing/updating or cancelling bookings
To use the app, visit
To test and run the app locally follow the instructions below:
Clone the repo to a directory on your local machine using git clone command as shown below:
$ git clone
Get into the wings directory:
$ cd wings
Install dependencies
$ bundle install
Setup / Migrate database
$ rails db:setup
Seed database with data
$ rails db:seed
Start the puma server
$ rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the application on your browser.
Start the puma server
$ rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000 on your browser
Follow the intuitive guides to search for and book flights.
To test the application, run 'bundle exec rspec' from the wings directory after you have installed all the dependencies i.e. using 'bundle install' as previously described.
$ bundle exec rspec
- The airports, airlines and flights cannot be edited.
- Payment for flights is not supported.