Contains ContiguousMap
: a map that stores values with adjacent keys contiguously so they may be accessed as a slice.
This library is not currently released.
For now its documentation can be viewed at:
This documentation is periodically updated.
For the most up to date docs clone and run cargo doc --open
The main goal of this library is to be able to interact with contiguous sequences of keys and values in a map. Contiguous sequences of values are interacted with as slices. Contiguous sequences of keys are interacted with as both ranges and as a start key and length.
use contiguous_map::ContiguousMap;
// Create a new map.
let mut map = ContiguousMap::new();
// Insert a slice starting at a key of 1.
map.insert_slice(1, &[1, 2, 3]);
// Can use Range, RangeInclusive, or RangeFrom with get_slice().
assert_eq!(Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]), map.get_slice(1..4));
assert_eq!(Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]), map.get_slice(1..=3));
assert_eq!(Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]), map.get_slice(1..));
// Can also use a start and length with get_slice_with_len().
assert_eq!(Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]), map.get_slice_with_len(1, 3));
// get_slice_mut() and get_slice_with_len_mut() are also available
// to get mutable references from a map.
// Inspect the total number of contiguous regions in a map.
assert_eq!(1, map.num_contiguous_regions());
// Remove all entries with a key at or above 3.
// Can use any range type with clear_range().
// Remove 10 keys starting at the key of 1.
// Equivalent to map.clear_range(1..11).
map.clear_with_len(1, 10);
// Can also iterate over all of the contiguous regions in a
// map using iter_vec(), iter_slice(), and iter_slice_mut().
This library also implements many of std::collections::BTreeMap
's methods.
use contiguous_map::ContiguousMap;
// Create a map.
let mut map = ContiguousMap::new();
// Insert a single element.
map.insert(1, 2);
// Get a single element.
assert_eq!(Some(&2), map.get(1));
// Overwrite an element.
let old_value = map.insert(1, 10);
assert_eq!(Some(2), old_value);
// Remove an element.
let removed_value = map.remove(1);
assert_eq!(Some(10), removed_value);
// Inspect a map's length.
assert_eq!(0, map.len());
// Clear the map.
// In addition many of BTreeMap's iteration methods are implemented,
// like: into_iter(), iter(), iter_mut(), range(), and range_mut().
A macro is provided to assist with the creation of ContiguousMap
The syntax of the macro is a key followed by =>
then a comma
separated list of values.
For a map with multiple slices add a semicolon between the list of
values and the next key.
Both the keys and values may be arbitrary expressions.
use contiguous_map::cmap;
// Single slice in a map.
let map = cmap!(1 => 1, 2, 3);
assert_eq!(Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]), map.get_slice(1..));
// Two separate entries in a map.
let map = cmap!(1 => 2; 5 => 7);
assert_eq!(Some(&2), map.get(1));
assert_eq!(Some(&7), map.get(5));
// Two separate slices in a map.
let map = cmap!(
1 => 10, 12, 15;
7 => 20, 21, 24;
assert_eq!(Some(&[10, 12, 15][..]), map.get_slice(1..));
assert_eq!(Some(&[20, 21, 24][..]), map.get_slice(7..));
All keys types used in a ContiguousMap
need to have both the concepts of
ordering and adjacency.
This is implemented using the custom Key
trait in this library.
All primitive integer types and char have a provided implementation.
A user may implement the Key
trait for their own types if they desire
to use them as a key in a ContiguousMap