An asynchronous / non-blocking Scala library for the BitPay API:
Supported resources:
- Currencies
- Invoices
- Ledgers
- Payouts
- Rates
- Recipients
- Tokens
The library has been barely tested with the open-source BTCPay Server, that implements the Invoices (with Instant Payment Notifications) and Tokens resources only.
The latest release of the library is compiled with Scala 2.12 and 2.13 and supports only Gigahorse with OkHttp backend as HTTP provider.
Version | Artifact Id | HTTP Provider | Json Provider | Scala |
2.4 | bitpay | Gigahorse 0.7.x | Play-Json | 2.12 & 2.13 |
2.3 | bitpay | Gigahorse 0.5.x | Play-Json | 2.12 & 2.13 |
2.2.1 | bitpay | Gigahorse 0.5.x | Play-Json | 2.11 |
If you're using SBT, add the following line to your build file:
libraryDependencies += "com.alexdupre" %% "bitpay" % "<version>"
The BitPay trait contains all the public methods that can be called on the client object.
import com.alexdupre.bitpay._
import com.alexdupre.bitpay.models._
val identity = Identity.random()
val client: BitPay = BitPayClient(identity, testNet = true)
val token: Future[Token] = client.getPairingCode(label = "My Client", facade = Some("pos"))
token foreach { t =>
import com.alexdupre.bitpay._
import com.alexdupre.bitpay.models._
val identity = Identity("...")
val client: BitPay = BitPayClient(identity, testNet = true)
val basicInvoice: Future[Invoice] = client.createInvoice(150, "USD")
val orderInfo = OrderInfo(orderId = Some("A-123"), itemDesc = Some("An awesome item"), physical = Some(true))
val ipnParams = IPNParams(notificationURL = Some(""), transactionSpeed = Some(TransactionSpeed.Medium), fullNotifications = Some(true))
val buyer = BuyerInfo(email = "")
val complexInvoice: Future[Invoice] = client.createInvoice(150, "USD", ipnParams, orderInfo, buyer)
import com.alexdupre.bitpay.models.InvoiceNotification
import play.api.libs.json.Json
val ipn: InvoiceNotification = Json.parse("...").as[InvoiceNotification]
// notifications are not signed, so call BitPay.getInvoice( before processing the notification