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Alex Flint edited this page Sep 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

Gallium Roadmap

I'm thrilled that Gallium is of interest to the Go community and I would very much like to have some collaborators on the project.

This document is a tentative list of sub-projects and a rough ordering. If this document matures then it may become an official roadmap for the project.

It is still early days - definitely too early to put dates on things - but I hope this will provide a starting point. Please feel free to add your comments by editing in the usual wiki style.

  1. Scrappy but full-featured support for OSX
  • Windows (open, close, resize, etc) [mostly done]
  • Menus, callbacks [done]
  • Status bar items [done]
  • Desktop notifications [mostly done]
  • Call from Go into JS (probably limited to one-argument calls with string params)
  • Callbacks from JS into Go (as above)
  • Find low-hanging fruit for reducing library size
  1. Decide on a good API, refactor
  • Pick a clean API with a good chance of working well across platforms
  • Find a sane way to structure the platform-specific C code
  • It should be possible for clients to get hold of the native C / objective-C structs and feed them back into native calls, if necessary
  1. Linux support
  • Build out the API for linux
  1. Windows support
  • Build out the API for windows
  1. Some infrastructure
  • Set up per-platform CI


  • Investigate headless mode
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