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Alex Fox Gill edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 17 revisions

This page is written with the convention that A is the "source" type of the selector, Params is the optional parameter type and B is the "target" type


Signature: .choose(predicate: (b: B) => b is C)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector

Narrows down a selector to a subtype of B

interface CSV {
  type: 'csv'
  delimiter: string
interface Binary {
  type: 'binary'
type FileFormat = CSV | Binary
const isCsv = (format: FileFormat): x is CSV => format.type === 'csv'

const csvSelector = fileFormatSelector.choose(isCsv)


Signature: .combine(other: Get<A, C>)

Available on: Get

Merges the results of two Gets


Signature: .compose(other: Transformer<B, C>)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Converter, MaybeConverter, Get

Composes a transformer from A to B with one from B to C, producing one from A to C.

The type of transformer returned depends on the two input transformers:

Get MaybeSelector Selector MaybeConverter Converter
Get Get Get Get Get Get
MaybeSelector Get MaybeSelector MaybeSelector MaybeSelector MaybeSelector
Selector Get MaybeSelector Selector MaybeSelector Selector
MaybeConverter Get MaybeSelector MaybeSelector MaybeConverter MaybeConverter
Converter Get MaybeSelector Selector MaybeConverter Converter

Selector composition allows you to define selectors locally to a module, then 'globalise' them by composing.

const moduleSelector: Selector<Root, Module> = ...
const localSelector: Selector<Module, Foo> = ...

const globalSelector: Selector<Root, Foo> = moduleSelector.compose(localSelector)


Signature: .debug()

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Converter, MaybeConverter, Get, Set, Modify

Installs the Debug extension that logs to the console during calls to get, set or modify.



.deepMerge(a: A, [params: Params, ] partialB: DeepPartial<B>): A
.deepMerge(partialB: DeepPartial<B>): Update<A, Params>

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Modify

Performs a deep merge on the target location, recursively overwriting any properties that are present in the partialB argument. When only the partialB argument is provided, a chainable Update is returned.

interface Root {
  foo: Foo
interface Foo {
  bar: {
    value: number
    name: string
  qux: boolean

const fooSelector: Selector<Root, Foo> = ...
fooSelector.deepMerge(root, { bar: { value: 2 } })


Signature: .extend(extension: Extension)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Converter, MaybeConverter, Get, Set, Modify

Returns a new version of the transformer with the given extension installed.


Signature: .indexBy(key: string, [defaultValue: C])

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector

Composes the selector with a MaybeSelector that looks up a value by a key added to the Params object. If defaultValue is given, the MaybeSelector is converted into a Selector with defaultValue returned if the key does not exist.

interface Root {
  foos: Foos
type Foos = { [key: string]: number }

const root: Root = {
  foos: {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2

const foosSelector: Selector<Root, Foos> = ...
const fooSelector = foosSelector.indexBy('fooId')

// 2
const b = fooSelector.get(root, { fooId: "b" })

// null
const x = fooSelector.get(root, { fooId: "x" })


Signature: .get[(a: A, [params: Params])]

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Converter, MaybeConverter

Returns the Get associated with this transformer. Can be called immediately as a function, or further transformed.

const fooSelector: Selector<Root, Foo> = ...
const fooGet: Get<Root, Foo> = fooSelector.get

fooGet(root) // returns a Foo


Signature: .map(mapFn: (B, Params) => C)

Available on: Get

Modifies the value returned by the Get according to a function.

Only available on Get because the inverse operation would need to be supplied for any other transformer, whereas Get only works one-way. If you need a two-way transformation, this is what a Converter does.

const getNumber: Get<Root, number> = ...
const getString: Get<Root, string> = => x.toString())


Signature: .mapParams<P2>(fn: P2 => Params)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Get, Set, Modify

Allows the introduction of new parameters by defining a mapping onto the existing ones


Signature: .memoize()

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Converter, MaybeConverter, Get, Modify

Applies the Memoize extension which performs a reference equality check on the input (and a shallow equality check on the parameters) for the Get part of a selector. Subsequent selectors also have the memoization applied.



.merge(a: A, [params: Params, ] partialB: Partial<B>): A
.merge(partialB: Partial<B>): Update<A, Params>

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Modify

Performs a shallow merge on the target location, overwriting properties from partialB. If only partialB is provided, returns a chainable Update.



.modify(a: A, [params: Params, ] f: B => B): A
.modify(f: B => B): Update<A, Params>

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector

Returns a Modify, which applies a given function to the target location. Can be called immediately as a function, or further transformed. If only the modifier function is provided, returns a chainable Update.


Signature: .prop<K extends keyof B>(key: K)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector

Returns a new selector targetting the given property

interface Foo {
  bar: Bar
interface Bar {
  value: number

const barSelector: Selector<Foo, Bar> = ...
const valueSelector = barSelector.prop('value')



.set(a: A, [params: Params], b: B): A
.set(b: B): Update<A, Params>

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector

Returns a Set, which updates the object at the target location. Can be called immediately as a function, or further transformed. If only the b parameter is provided, returns a chainable Update.


Signature: .withDefault(ifNull: (A, Params) => B)

Available on: MaybeSelector

Converts the MaybeSelector into a Selector by using the given function as a backup if the value at the target location does not exist.


Signature: .withDefault(ifNull: B)

Available on: MaybeSelector

Converts the MaybeSelector into a Selector by using the given value as a backup if the value at the target location does not exist.


Signature: .withParams(params: Partial<Params>)

Available on: Selector, MaybeSelector, Get, Set

Supplies the given parameters to the selector so that they won't subsequently be required.

Chainable Updates

The updater methods .set, .modify, .merge and .deepMerge can all be called with a single parameter, returning an Update<A, Params>. This is a function that can be applied directly or chained to create a series of transformations:

const updated = firstNameSelector.set("Brian")
  .andThen(ageSelector.modify(x => x + 1))
  .applyTo(state, { userId })