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Timer Bars Overview

alexguirre edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Basics
  2. TimerBarBase
  3. TextTimerBar
  4. BarTimerBar
  5. CheckpointsTimerBar
  6. IconsTimerBar



The TimerBarPool class handles positioning and drawing the timer bars. So first, create a new TimerBarPool instance and call TimerBarPool.Draw() each tick, for example, in a new GameFiber. Then, any created timer bars, should be added to the pool.

static TimerBarPool myTimerBarPool = new TimerBarPool();

// ...

// add timer bars to the pool

// start the fiber which will handle drawing the timer bars

// ...

private static void ProcessTimerBars()
    while (true)



Base class for all timer bars. Provides the basic functionality of a timer bar, like drawing the background and the label.

TimerBarBase.Label gets or sets the string displayed at the left side of the timer bar.

TimerBarBase.Highlight gets or sets the highlight color. If not null, the timer bar background is drawn with an overlay of the specified color.

tb.Highlight = HudColor.Red.GetColor();

TimerBarBase.Accent gets or sets the accent color. If not null, it is displayed as a thin line in the right edge of the timer bar.

tb.Accent = HudColor.Red.GetColor();


Timer bar with text located at the right side.

TextTimerBar.Text gets or sets the string displayed at the right side of the timer bar.

var tb = new TextTimerBar("LABEL", "TEXT");


Timer bar with a progress bar.

BarTimerBar.Percentage gets or sets how filled the progress bar is, between 0.0f (empty) and 1.0f (full).

BarTimerBar.BackgroundColor/ForegroundColor define the colors of the progress bar.

BarTimerBar.Markers defines the markers of the progress bar, thin lines at specific percentages.

var tb = new BarTimerBar("LABEL") { Percentage = 0.75f };

tb.Markers.Add(new TimerBarMarker(0.25f));
tb.Markers.Add(new TimerBarMarker(0.5f, HudColor.Green.GetColor()));


Timer bar with a set of circles that represent the progress of an objective.

CheckpointsTimerBar.Checkpoints gets or sets the list of TimerBarCheckpoints.

TimerBarCheckpoint.State gets or sets the state of the checkpoint (TimerBarCheckpointState.InProgress, TimerBarCheckpointState.Completed or TimerBarCheckpointState.Failed).

TimerBarCheckpoint.IsCrossedOut gets or sets whether to show a cross on top of the checkpoint circle.

TimerBarCheckpoint.Color gets or sets the color of the checkpoint circle when State is TimerBarCheckpointState.Completed.

var tb = new CheckpointsTimerBar("LABEL", 5);
tb.Checkpoints[0].State = TimerBarCheckpointState.Completed;
tb.Checkpoints[1].State = TimerBarCheckpointState.Failed;
tb.Checkpoints[2].State = TimerBarCheckpointState.Completed;
tb.Checkpoints[2].IsCrossedOut = true;
tb.Checkpoints[3].IsCrossedOut = true;
foreach (var cp in tb.Checkpoints) cp.Color = HudColor.Green.GetColor();


Timer bar that contains a list of icons.

IconsTimerBar.Icons gets or sets the list of TimerBarIcons.

var tb = new IconsTimerBar("LABEL");
tb.Icons.Add(TimerBarIcon.Rocket); // a built-in icon
tb.Icons.Add(new TimerBarIcon("commonmenu", "card_suit_diamonds") { Color = HudColor.Red.GetColor() });