A simple IPTV toolkit.
- support
format playlist - support EPG
- support TVG
- support iOS 14+, tvOS 14+, macOS 12+
/// The channel of epg.
public struct TVChannel: Hashable, Codable {
/// The id of channel
public let id: String
/// The name of channel
public let name: String
/// The programme of epg.
public struct TVProgramme: Hashable, Codable {
/// The start time of the programme. eg: 20220916223450 +0800.
public let start: String
/// The stop time of the programme. eg: 20220917001715 +0800.
public let stop: String
/// The channel id of the programme. eg: 1.
public let channel: String
/// The channel name of the programme, read from channels of epg.
public var channelName: String?
/// The title of the programme.
public let title: String
/// The desc of the programme.
public let desc: String