This script is inspired by BenRoe's rpi-magic-mirror-eink, but is fully implemented in python.
The python script uses pyppeteer (Python implementation of Chromium's instrumentation API) to take a screenshot of a website (usually a locally running instance of MagicMirror²) and then renders the screenshot on Waveshare's 7.5" 3-color display.
- Raspbian Buster (Python 3.6+)
- Waveshare 7.5 3-color epaper display
- Ikea RIBBA frame (13x18cm)
- Enable the SPI is enabled by uncommenting the following line in
- Install some packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install git python3.7-venv python3-venv libatlas-base-dev -y # Make sure to check the script before executing the next part! You are about to pipe a script from the world wide web to bash! At least it's not root... curl -o- | bash nvm install --lts
- We need an older version of chrome (as there are problems with the current puppeteer version and Chromium 74):
- Create a sources list for stretch:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch.list
- Add the following two lines:
deb stretch main ui deb-src stretch main ui
- Add a default apt settings file:
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/default
- Set the default apt release to buster by adding the following line:
APT::Default-Release "buster";
- Install the chromium version from the stretch repo:
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install -t stretch chromium-browser -y
- Create a sources list for stretch:
- Install MagicMirror²:
mkdir repos cd repos git clone cd MagicMirror npm install # Ignore the electron install error (if it occurs) and install the vendor and font packages manually: npm run install npm run install-fonts
- Clone this repository:
cd ~/repos git clone
- Setup the Python environment:
cd rpi-magicmirror-eink python3.7 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy the MagicMirror² config, CSS and fonts into the MagicMirror directory:
cp -r ./magicmirror-files/. ~/repos/MagicMirror
- Install the MagicMirror modules:
cd ~/repos/MagicMirror/modules git clone
- Adjust the config to your needs (set calendars, weather info,...):
nano ~/repos/MagicMirror/config/config.js
- Intall PM2:
- Install the package globally:
npm install -g pm2 pm2 startup
- Make sure to execute the command which is printed (DO NOT JUST COPY THIS, IT WILL BE DIFFERENT):
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/bin /home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u pi --hp /home/pi
- Install the package globally:
- Setup the automatic startup on boot for MagicMirror:
# Make sure to execute the command which is printed # Adjust the path (if MagicMirror is not directly in your home) nano ~/repos/MagicMirror/installers/pm2_MagicMirror.json # Adjust the path (if MagicMirror is not directly in your home) and replace the command with `node serveronly` nano ~/repos/MagicMirror/installers/ # If your user is not 'pi' checkout these lines before: # pm2 start ~/repos/MagicMirror/installers/pm2_MagicMirror.json pm2 save
- Setup the automatic startup on boot for the python script:
sudo cp ~/repos/rpi-magicmirror-eink/rpi-magicmirror-eink.service /etc/systemd/system/rpi-magicmirror-eink.service sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/rpi-magicmirror-eink.service sudo systemctl enable rpi-magicmirror-eink sudo systemctl start rpi-magicmirror-eink sudo systemctl status rpi-magicmirror-eink
Currently the script is configured by modifying the global variables at the top of The cron schedule can be adjusted in the script.
- Reused the Cherry bitmap font files by marin converted to ttf with Bits'N'Picas by BenRoe
- The waveshare epaper library
- The project uses the Original Library written by Waveshare. It can be downloaded here.